“It’s really crazy!” While working on GTA 6, the director of Rockstar has a very particular opinion on the use of AI in video games

Game news “It’s really crazy!” While working on GTA 6, the director of Rockstar has a very particular opinion on the use of AI in video games

Published on 06/05/2024 at 9:30 p.m.

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The use of AI in businesses is a subject that is at the heart of debate. While some people show great skepticism about the arrival of AI in video games or other digital fields, the CEO of Take-Two shows great optimism.

Towards the perdition of certain professions because of AI?

A sword of Damocles is placed on the heads of many people because of AI; voice actors, editors, musicians, developers, artists, etc. The fear of being replaced by artificial intelligence quickly became part of our concerns, as the subject became more and more concrete.

Although AI is not completely autonomous, there are many people who fear it and live with the anxiety of losing their job because of it.. Indeed, the latter overshadows real professionals, even if the latter presents no real area of ​​expertise or creative touch. And for good reason, it does not get tired, costs less, is faster and meets all the applicant’s requirements without flinching. Artificial intelligence is terrifying.

However, in this miasma of concerns, we have the CEO of Take-Two, the parent company of Grand Theft Auto VI, who does not fear AI. He doesn’t see it as a way to replace employees, but more as a tool to save time.

Take-Two intends to use AI for its games

In a recent interview which took place during the 52nd Annual Technology Conference, Strauss Zelnick argued that artificial intelligence will be useful for developers. He explains himself by saying that the latter will make it possible to do “a lot of things much more efficiently”. According to him, developers will then be able to tackle costly tasks that require a lot of time, while artificial intelligence would be on another equally important subject.

“I don’t think AI is going to reduce employment, it’s crazy. It’s really crazy. It’s not going to make people useless. This will change the nature of certain forms of employment, and that is a good thing. “

Despite its fine words, numerous studies have proven that AI still impacts employment. According to a detailed report by the BBC published last January, the IMF estimates that AI should affect no less than 40% of jobs and worsen inequalities. The arrival of AI in certain services can be double-edged; it could improve worker productivity or reduce certain positions to zero.

We sincerely hope that Strauss Zelnick will keep his word and not cause a wave of layoffs after the introduction of AI in his development studios. Video games as hollow as empty shells do not interest players and humanity provides many things that computers cannot: emotion, creativity, authenticity and above all empathy.



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