What are the different ways to replace a damaged tooth?

What are the different ways to replace a damaged tooth?
What are the different ways to replace a damaged tooth?

Losing or damaging a tooth can be a destabilizing experience, but fortunately, advances in modern dentistry offer several options for restoring your smile. This article explores the different solutions available for replacing a damaged tooth, helping you make an informed decision on the treatment best suited to your needs.

The dental crown

In some cases, the damaged tooth can be saved by a dental crown. This option involves trimming the tooth and then covering it with a crown, usually ceramic or porcelain, which is custom made to blend in with the surrounding teeth.

The crown can also be fitted to an implant to replace a missing tooth. Choosing a dental crown in Quebec means opting for a durable and aesthetic option recommended by many dental specialists.

Dental implants

Dental implants represent a lasting solution to replace missing teeth. An implant is a titanium screw inserted into the jawbone, onto which an artificial crown is then attached. This technique preserves the health of the bone by preventing its atrophy, which helps maintain the integrity of the facial structure.

Implants are often favored for their natural appearance and functionality. They allow chewing and speaking similar to natural teeth. However, this process requires several months to allow the implant to fully integrate with the bone before attaching the final crown.

Dental bridges

A dental bridge is used to fill a gap left by one or more missing teeth. It is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap, with one or more false teeth between them. These crowns can be supported by natural teeth or by implants.

The bridge is a less invasive option than implants and can be completed in a few weeks. However, it requires modifying adjacent teeth, which can make them more vulnerable to cavities if not properly maintained.


Dentures are an economical solution for patients who have lost several or all of their teeth. There are two main types: complete dentures, which replace all the teeth in a jaw, and partial dentures, which are used when some natural teeth remain.

Dentures require regular adjustments to ensure optimal comfort and may require some adjustment time for speaking and chewing. They are removable, which makes cleaning them easier.

Whatever option you consider for replacing a damaged tooth, it is crucial to consult your dentist to discuss your specific needs and the different solutions suited to your situation. Taking care of your smile is not only a question of aesthetics, but also of oral health. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment today to explore the options that will help you put a smile back on your face.



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