In Fouesnant, Alain Coq opens the Café Astro season at the media library on Tuesday October 15

In Fouesnant, Alain Coq opens the Café Astro season at the media library on Tuesday October 15
In Fouesnant, Alain Coq opens the Café Astro season at the media library on Tuesday October 15

Café Astro, a new recurring event at the Fouesnant media library, invites you to discover the cosmos and astronomy in the company of Alain Coq. The member of the Pointe du Diable Astronomical Observatory will host a conference, Tuesday October 15, at 8:30 p.m., and will offer an exchange around the theme “In search of life in the oceans of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn” .

A former student of the Saint-Cloud Normal School, Alain Coq devotes part of his retirement to transmitting the latest news from the cosmos. “The Copernican revolution, which dates back about four centuries, took the Earth out of the center of the world. Giant satellites and telescopes are currently creating an equally important astronomical revolution in our view of the universe. I suggest that the Fouesnantais approach this new knowledge slowly,” invites the scientist.

Where is the search for extraterrestrial life?

The first Astro Café of the season will therefore address the search for life in the oceans of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. “The search for extraterrestrial life has focused on the planet Mars, without success so far. It has recently become known that several moons of Jupiter and Saturn harbor an ocean of liquid water under a thick layer of ice, an ocean that rests on rock. Additionally, plumes of steam have been detected around some of these moons, meaning there is a powerful internal source of energy. The conditions are there for life to develop there as at the bottom of the earth’s oceans. Finally, thanks to the JWST satellite, launched in 2021, we can detect water on exoplanets, planets orbiting stars other than the sun,” explains Alain Coq.


Café Astro with Alain Coq, Tuesday October 15, at 8:30 p.m., at the Fouesnant media library. Free, upon registration. Such. 02 98 51 14 14; mel. [email protected]; website:



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