New YouTube AI chatbot to summarize videos

Google has just launched a new feature for YouTube. The latter allows you to interact differently with the videos.

Why watch hours of content when an AI can give you the essentials in a few seconds? A little over a week after the event « Made by YouTube »Google begins rolling out its conversational AI chatbot.

This new feature, dubbed the “Ask” button, is available only for YouTube Premium subscribers on Android. The idea is simple: allow users to obtain information about a video without having to watch the whole thing. This option provides an instant preview of content by answering specific questions on videos.

Launched at the end of last year, the “Ask” button is an exclusively mobile tool. It allows you to interact with videos in an innovative way. For example, you can ask the AI ​​to provide the list of ingredients in a recipe, or to explain the context of a particular scene in a video clip. This feature is designed to simplify access to informationwhile saving users time.

Limited availability

Currently, the “Ask” button is not available on all videos of the platform. According to YouTube, the feature only works on “certain English-language videos.” This represents approximately 28% of 3.9 billion videos available on the platform. Users must therefore be patient to find compatible videos.

Currently, the feature is only available to YouTube Premium subscribers on Android. For those who do not have this subscription, the tool is sometimes available on some academic learning videos. This allows non-subscriber users to test this innovation, but in a limited way.

How to use the “Ask” button?

The “Ask” button appears below the video player, in the form of a pill iconnext to the Share button. Sometimes it is also found in the comments area to enable even more intuitive use. The tool is currently only available on Android devices and no information has been given on a possible arrival on iOS or the web.

With this new feature, YouTube wants to make information more accessible. AI makes it possible to quickly answer questions about video content. This prevents users from spending too much time searching for what they want to know. Whether it’s getting details on a cooking tutorial or understanding a scene from a movie, AI provides an accurate and useful summary.

This new feature responds to a growing trend among users: get information quickly. More and more people are looking to consume content efficiently. YouTube’s AI chatbot adapts perfectly to this need. It allows you to interact with the videos without necessarily watching them in their entirety.

New YouTube AI chatbot to summarize videosNew YouTube AI chatbot to summarize videos

A deployment that arouses enthusiasm

Although the functionality is still in the deployment phaseit is already attracting a lot of interest. Premium users on Android get exclusive access to this tool. This could encourage new subscriptions, especially for those looking to optimize their time spent on the platform.

With this innovation, YouTube continues to push the boundaries of user experience. By integrating an AI capable of summarizing and analyzing videosthe platform shows its desire to innovate. Time will tell if this feature will become standard for all users.

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