Chinese scientists use Starlink to detect stealth aircraft

Chinese scientists use Starlink to detect stealth aircraft
Chinese scientists use Starlink to detect stealth aircraft

To detect stealth aircraft, Chinese researchers have come up with a rather clever idea. Analyzing variations in electromagnetic waveselectromagnetic waves emitted by the satellites of the constellationconstellation StarlinkStarlink of SpaceXSpaceX would thus make it possible to identify the presence and position of a aircraftaircrafthowever stealthy it may be. To carry out their experience reported by the media South China Morning Postthe researchers used a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone. This small commercial drone is made up of many plastic materialplastic materialwhich makes it difficult, if at all, to detect by radar.

It was precisely with the help of a ground radar station that scientists were able to locate the drone’s position thanks to the radiation from a Starlink satellite that was passing over the Philippines at the time of the survey. How does it work? The principle is relatively simple, you “just” had to think about it. When an aircraft passes between the satellite and a ground antenna, it will disperse the electromagnetic waves emitted by the satellite. The waves generated can then be captured to identify the target and its precise position. In other words, it is the disturbance of high-frequency radio waves that reveals the presence of an aircraft.

Turning the enemy’s means against him

The advantage of Starlink is that its impressive constellation of thousands of satellites is very practical, since there is always one in any place in the sky. For the moment, only tests with this small drone have been able to be carried out, and this, at low altitude and low speedspeedIt remains to be seen whether this method could reveal larger, stealth-equipped targets at higher altitudes.

In any case, this initiative remains paradoxical when we know that in the event of an imminent threat from the United States, one of the first initiatives of the Chinese government would be to destroy these satellites. The country even considers that some of these satellites are spy models on behalf of the American army. The latter could ultimately be of great help in helping the Chinese army. While waiting to verify if this method can really be effective, China has already deployed radars specific to the detection of stealth aircraft all along its maritime coastline.



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