“But there was nothing, no phone call at least to apologize, to explain. So from there, I said to myself: “you act as if I wasn't there, as if I wasn't the Nantes coach''. Since according to you it was inconceivable to see me present today. Afterwards it's the information that you had, the sources that you had, but that's what I saw, felt and understood. And so, for me, it can't happen like that, because if I stay there, I tell you, I'm going to be unpleasant, even mean, but I don't want to be there, so you're going to do as if I wasn't there, because you wrote everything and anything, and behind that, it can't happen without consequences. In the past, what I did when I was not happy with certain journalists, I fined them, they did not come to press conferences. But today you are here, I let you work, but I simply withdraw, that's it. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, happy new year to all. »
As a reminder, the break with Kombouaré was made by the Nantes management after the defeat in Brest. Discussions with Sergio Conceiçao and Habib Beye having been unsuccessful, it was decided before the 32nd Cup final that he would ultimately remain on the Nantes bench, with a modified staff.