Tour de France 2024 | Stage 2 | San Luca, a real wall and a big test

Tour de France 2024 | Stage 2 | San Luca, a real wall and a big test
Tour de France 2024 | Stage 2 | San Luca, a real wall and a big test

It is an emblematic place. A well-known climb in the Italian cycling landscape, traditionally used during the final of the Tour of Emilia. Barely two kilometers of ascent, but with an average gradient of just over 10%. A huge leg-breaker. On Sunday, during the 2nd stage of the 2024 Tour de France, you will have to tackle the San Luca hill not once but twice, just over 30km from the finish in Bologna and then 13 kilometers from the line for the second passage.

San Luca is really the typical puncher’s hill and the guys who are going to play the general cannot ignore this kind of stage“, underlines Thierry Gouvenou, the chief tracer of the Tour route, on AFP. “Each time we climbed like that, we had a good overview of the general state of the peloton. If you start to break down here, it’s not a good sign for the future.” he adds.

The Tour is obviously not going to change here. San Luca is not made for that. On the other hand, for all the favourites, the Romagna raidard will constitute a first important test. A revelation. “I wouldn’t be surprised to see one of the Tour favourites show up here to gain time in the general classification.“, tells us our consultant Philippe Gilbert, who carried out the reconnaissance for Eurosport.

1.9 km at 10.6%: the profile of the San Luca coast

It can be compared to the wall of Huy

I can really see the scenario of a big fight., especially since we put bonuses at the top during the second pass (eight, five and two seconds to the first three), confirms Gouvenou, who imagines well “Pogacar enjoy yourself“The Slovenian should indeed find terrain to suit him. He likes this type of climbs which are rather short but extremely steep.

It’s very steep, you can compare it to the wall of Huy“, estimates Philippe Gilbert. Like the justice of the peace of the Flèche Wallonne, it will therefore be necessary to climb it several times. Double-handed, on Sunday, and not quadruple like Huy on the Flèche, however. “You have to position yourself well at the bottomexplains the former world champion. Halfway, after the hairpins, the most difficult part awaits with this long straight line and more than 15%. It’s incredibly hard and that’s where the difference will be made. You have to suffer and hold on to keep a good position.”

Some passages even peak at almost 20% (18% maximum, exactly) in what is undoubtedly the most difficult climb in the entire region. The place is superb as a bonus, from the porch at the foot of the basilica of the Madonna of San Luca to the famous arcades. Once at the sanctuary, the view is remarkable. But the runners will hardly have time to enjoy it. To shine here, you will have to be attentive, strategic and, of course, have the legs. It would indeed be surprising if some people did not want to fight for what could constitute one of the highlights of the first week of this 2024 Tour.

The climb to the Basilica of San Luca.

Credit: Getty Images



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