Axel Vuillier: “A good weekend of preparation” – News

Axel Vuillier: “A good weekend of preparation” – News
Axel Vuillier: “A good weekend of preparation” – News

It is this weekend on the Tour du Pays Roannais that Axel Vuillier finishes his preparation for the Ain Bugey Valromey Tour. “I would rather put a super motivated Junior here than an Elite who feels summer coming”smiles next to DirectVelo its sports director Melvin Rullière. “It’s going to be a good weekend of preparation for the big deadline that’s coming so that’s cool. I am here to finalize a large block of work, and see what I am capable of doing with the N1 of CC Étupes”adds the 2nd year Junior.

Recently 6th in A Travers le Beaujolais then 9th in the Tour Région Sud U19, the Franc-Comtois considers himself to be “very good” for a month. The only problem is that the climber, a member of the Groupama-FDJ U19, missed out on his Alpine Classic. “I had a bad day, I crashed on the Mont du Chat so I don’t look back on it as a very good memory. It was one of the goals of the season, it was hard to miss out on it.”. Melvin Rullière thinks that his presence this weekend can completely boost him. “He had a bad time in the Alpine Classic, so in these cases we can ask ourselves questions. Being here can allow him to show himself. People will perhaps say that he has something if he gets a result here, where he came without pressure.”


Axel Vuillier doesn’t really have a personal goal. “I want to do well, I want to show that I am capable of helping runners like Henri-François (Haquin) or Simon (Baran)”. For Melvin Rullière, it is important that his rider goes through the team box to learn the profession of cyclist. “I’m going to ask him that so he can discover what it’s like to put himself at the service of others.”indicated at the start of the first stage the sports director Erbaton, who saw his riders Henri-François Haquin and Matthew Fox finish 2nd and 3rd (see ranking).

After this TPR, it will be time for Axel Vuillier to turn 100% towards Valromey. “I did a lot of mountain climbing to put myself in the best conditions. I would like to do well, like last year on the last stage. But here I would like to make a good general ranking”announces the boy ranked 10th last year at the summit of the Grand Colombier.



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