The physical and mental resources of Saverdun

The physical and mental resources of Saverdun
The physical and mental resources of Saverdun

the essential
The Ariégois will arrive in Mauvezin with serious advantages in their game.

If this Saverdun team is one of the legitimate favorites on the board, if it is regularly mentioned in the Fédérale 3 forums, it is not for nothing. With first of all excellent performances in its group 10 during the regular phase where it only conceded two defeats including one at Mauvezin (14-13), where the Villeneuvois had clearly won in the 32nd final first leg of the French championship (30-3). Since the start of the final stages, the Ariégois, pushed by a large number of supporters, have gained momentum with just a small setback in Montluçon during the round of 16 first leg (19-22), before rectifying the situation in the return match and composing easily their ticket for Federal 2 (36-18 success). Up front, the “black and red” are well equipped with a very big second line and often very well organized on carried balls.

The Ariégeois had to draw on their resources

A powerful truck well driven by a very active and cunning scrum half. On the “turnovers”, the Saverdunois are effective with a 3/4 line knowing how to create disorder, by building up speed. However, during the round of 16 and the quarter-finals, respectively in front of Montpellier-Jacou and Saint-Jean-de-Bourney, the Ariégois had to draw on their physical and mental resources to seek victory, with in particular three tries in the last ten minutes last weekend against the Isérois.

This is proof that RCV’s opponent often finishes their matches strong with a lot of character and desire, also certainly with the richness of their bench. “We all get along of course and off the pitch,” says winger Sandrew Melesi.

He and his partners, supported by all the people of Ariège, really want to go to the final and win the shield. As the reserve team two seasons ago…



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