Fabian Ruiz as a maestro, Croatian circles in pain… The tops and the flops

Fabian Ruiz as a maestro, Croatian circles in pain… The tops and the flops
Fabian Ruiz as a maestro, Croatian circles in pain… The tops and the flops

In the first match of Group B, Spain beat Croatia 3 goals to 0 this Saturday.


Fabian Ruiz man of the match

The Spanish midfielder from Paris Saint-Germain was in all the right places in the first half of the Spain festival against Croatia (3-0). First applied in the first minutes, he quickly turned into a decisive passer for Morata. In the 28th minute, Ruiz sends a full-axis caviar for the La Roja striker who just has to finish. But that’s nothing compared to the gem that was his goal, just four minutes later. The left-hander connects a left hook then a right hook before scoring with a low strike with his strong foot. A magnificent goal which launches the Euro from a player we did not expect at this level.

Morata decisive leader

His role as captain may have been surprising at the start of the match, while players like Rodri, Nacho and Carvajal play in the same team. However, it is the Spanish striker who holds the armband and assumes it. The Atlético player was solid with his deliveries and his play with his back to goal. Before demonstrating what a great attacker is on the first goal. By taking the ball perfectly before finishing with his left foot with finesse. He also becomes the third top scorer in Euro history with 7 goals.

Read alsoEuro 2024: Spain has fun and starts with a demonstration against Croatia

A prolific possession

The Spanish selection has often been criticized for its sterile possession game. Today they were clinical, against this poor Croatia team. Certainly creating opportunities in the first period, but finishing all those available to them. An efficiency previously unknown and which, associated with the collective and technical strength demonstrated by this team, can wreak havoc in the coming weeks.


The Croatian defense in agony

After the first twenty minutes, the Croats could be satisfied with their match. But it was when the Spaniards accelerated that all the weaknesses in their defense appeared. La Roja’s 3 goals come from the center and can be attributed to the Pongracic/Sutalo central defense. So certainly, the domination of the Spanish midfielder over the experienced one, made up of Modric, Brozovic and Kovacic, did not help. But if they want to dream of big things in this competition, Croatia will have to close the valves.

An outdated environment

How to criticize Luka Modric? And more broadly players who have already evolved at such a level of play. Kovacic and Brozovic are players of great talent, no one doubts it. But it is clear that this trio may have had its day. Faced with the mastery and collective strength of La Roja, the Croatian midfielders were no match and even seemed completely overwhelmed. An observation that is not necessarily definitive but which does not bode well for a selection which has relied a lot on the heart of its game in recent years.

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