Foix. The padel appears to be in full progress

Foix. The padel appears to be in full progress
Foix. The padel appears to be in full progress

the essential
Thirty-six players participated this Saturday, June 1, in the first departmental championship of padel, on the slopes of Foix. Enough to confirm the popularity of this new activity in Ariège.

The sky is cloudy, showers threaten. Despite everything, the two tracks of the departmental padel complex in Foix are always full. When one match stops, another immediately takes over.

This Saturday, June 1, there were 36 players (divided into 18 teams of two) to compete in the first Ariège championship of padel. The winning pair (the finalists will decide on Saturday June 15) will win their ticket to defend Ariège’s chances during the Occitanie finals at the end of June.

A first departmental championship that Christophe Jacquart, president of the Ariège tennis committee, wanted to be open to as many people as possible. “All generations are represented. From the oldest to the youngest, those who are new to the activity, those who practice occasionally. It’s a form of festive gathering.”

More and more followers

One more step in the development of padel in Ariège. “There are players who come from all over the department. Padel is gaining more and more fans. For example, we have set up six hours of lessons per week in Foix and it is always full.” The bet launched in Foix a year ago has paid off.

On the slopes, the duos follow one another. Yes, the levels are sometimes a little disparate but good humor does not spoil the pleasure of participating in this great celebration of padel. “I’m here to have fun,” explains Antoine, 28. “I already play tennis and I’m going to continue. There’s a more fun side to padel. They’re two fairly complementary activities, but not everything.”

This first departmental championship gave ideas to Christophe Jacquart: “Next year, we are going to organize one tournament per month.” Everyone can rest assured, there will be something for everyone. Competitors, the most seasoned and those who practice for the sole pleasure of playing.

At 57, after stopping tennis a few years ago, Bruno took up padel. “I discovered padel with a friend. When you are of a certain age, padel still allows you to have fun. Plus, you play doubles. You get less tired (laughs). Trying padel is adopt it.”

Give all players a chance

To allow everyone to have a chance, the first round of this departmental championship was played in a single “super tie-break” of 10 points. The qualified teams then competed for finalist places in 9 winning games (same points system as in tennis).

The sky, still threatening, does not erase the smiles. This first departmental championship tournament of padel had 18 teams, we can bet that, next year, there will undoubtedly already be many more.



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