The Pontaise stadium will not be razed, says the Lausanne trustee –

The Pontaise stadium will not be razed, says the Lausanne trustee –
The Pontaise stadium will not be razed, says the Lausanne trustee –

The Pontaise Olympic stadium will ultimately not be razed, announced Lausanne trustee Grégoire Junod, interviewed Monday in the newspaper 24 Heures. The 1954 structure will be transformed to fit into a vast real estate project.

Three architectural offices, commissioned by the city, “showed that we could find the necessary built volume, of the order of 115,000 meters, or 80 to 90 million land values ​​by densifying around the stadium”, explains Grégoire Junod. It is therefore possible “to create a relatively dense neighborhood – we are talking about 3000-3500 housing units throughout Plaines-du-Loup”, while retaining the stadium.

“It’s an opportunity to seize to do something unique and very stimulating,” enthuses the elected socialist. The stadium could be “converted to multiple uses, with a lawn which could become a public space”.

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Grégoire Junod is opposed to the classification of the site as a historic monument, as proposed by a scientific commission. “If we want to reconvert Pontaise, we need a certain flexibility.”

A competition will be launched for the development of the stadium, he continues, specifying that the work cannot however begin before the Pierre-de-Coubertin stadium is renovated to host the Ahtletissima athletics meeting. “We are therefore talking about 2028-2029 for the opening of the site.”

As for the costs, they will be borne in part by private investors “who will build on surface rights”, notes the trustee. “The city will cover the costs of public objects and facilities.”





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