USF Fécamp first rewarded – FOOTBALL LEAGUE

In partnership with our partner PrintNGo, the PEF’ormance of the month is being extended to all clubs. A jury will meet every month until April to elect the winning club.

A prize and a trophy

This season, each winner will be presented with a trophy by the League, which will visit the clubs on this occasion. With the aim of developing this challenge, a publication on the Normandy League social networks will be made at the same time.

The words of Clément Grignon, Regional Technical Advisor in charge of developing practices at the League: “Introduced since last season, the PEF’ormance of the month returned in September. The USF FECAMP club was named PEF’ormance for September with its action entitled “Prevention of sexual violence”.

The jury established a ranking whose criteria are as follows:

– Educational values,

– Number of participants,

– Originality,

– Quality of the photos on the intervention

Our objective is no longer to introduce people to the Federal Educational Program, which has existed for 10 years now, but rather to publicize the commitment of our clubs through its multiple actions. Through this challenge, we will reward the 3 clubs arriving in the first 3 places each month. All these teams will be invited to a mixed regional PEF U10/U11 gathering, which will take place on Thursday May 29, 2024 in . »

Along with USF Fécamp, we will therefore have the pleasure of welcoming US Aunay S/Odon and US Mortagnaise for this gathering.

To your actions and good season to all »

USF Fécamp first winner

The first winner for this 2024-2025 season is USF Fécamp. The Senomarin club is rewarded for its action on the prevention of sexual violence in the sporting environment.

For this purpose, Mélissa JOLO, from the association “Colossus with feet of clay” spoke at the club in front of 70 children. The idea was to highlight this scourge through the exchange between the children and the speaker.

A first part in the morning with the U10-11 categories, then in the afternoon with the U12-13 and the U14-15. In the evening, members of the club were also able to benefit from this intervention.



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