lose to Györ in their first Champions League match

lose to Györ in their first Champions League match
Brest lose to Györ in their first Champions League match

This Sunday, the Finistère handball players were defeated by the European champions from Györ after a very intense meeting (34-35)

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The handball players suffered their first defeat of the season this Sunday, during the 5th day of the Champions League.

With a small goal, the Bretons let slip their invincibility this season, they, who had not yet lost either in the championship or in the European Cup, with seven successes in total.

ALSO READ: Brest Bretagne Handball, a first victory to launch the season

The last five minutes of madness, symbolized by the enormous performance of Clarisse Mairot, author of 12 goals (on 13 attempts), were not enough for Pauletta Foppa’s teammates (8 goals) who ultimately failed in front of the Hungarians crowned in the spring last for the 6th time in their history.
With yet another achievement in the 57th minute, Mairot had nevertheless made the entire Brest Arena want to believe in it, allowing his team to return to a tie (32-32) in a match where the two opponents engaged in a great battle with strong moments in turn.

Already, the Brestoises had managed to limit the damage at the end of the first period (17-20), after being led by seven goals five minutes before the break by Estelle Nze Minko’s troop, also very prominent on Sunday (9 /13).
But if the locals maintained the suspense constantly, Györ, who was able to count on her goalkeepers Hatadou Sako (6 saves) and Sandra Toft (7), had the merit of being in the lead for the majority of the match .

Thanks to this fourth success, the Hungarian club takes first place in Group B in Brest.

, who had beaten Ferencvaros the day before thanks to a recital by French international goalkeeper Cléopâtre Darleux, remains the only French club undefeated so far this season.



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