“We want to stop the bleeding,” announces Teodoro Bartuccio, candidate for the presidency of the FFC

“We want to stop the bleeding,” announces Teodoro Bartuccio, candidate for the presidency of the FFC
“We want to stop the bleeding,” announces Teodoro Bartuccio, candidate for the presidency of the FFC

INTERVIEW – Candidate for the presidency of the French Cycling Federation on December 14, Teodoro Bartuccio spoke to Le Figaro about his motivations and ambitions.

An unexpected candidacy for a great duel. On December 14, the election for the presidency of the French Cycling Federation will see Michel Callot (57 years old), re-elected by a large margin in 2021 against Cyrille Guimard, and Teodoro Bartuccio (45 years old) who announced his candidacy – against all expectations – last week. General director of Cycliste Olympique, founder of the association “My bike is a life”, the man who claims to be a man “of land” is supported by the collective “La Fédé pour Tous”. He intends to win this election to act in favor of the safety of cyclists and to (re)give voice to the “base” As he explained to the Figaroby phone, midweek.

LE FIGARO. – When did you decide to run for president of the FFC?
Teodoro Bartuccio. – I have been working with the collective ‘La Fédé pour Tous’ for about three years. When I joined, it was to talk…

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