Hauts-de-Seine celebrates its record Olympic harvest

Hauts-de-Seine celebrates its record Olympic harvest
Hauts-de-Seine celebrates its record Olympic harvest

The party, at the Du Manoir stadium, at the La Défense Arena, was wonderful. Up until the final or the small final, often breathtaking, remarkable performances were accomplished or sometimes repeated by the Altos-Séquanais athletes involved in these Games. The memory of these moments of sharing and communion still lingers in the minds and the medalists, sometimes doubly rewarded, savor their uninterrupted honeymoon with the public.

Celebrated in the hemicycle of the departmental council, this “Olympic delegation of Hauts-de-Seine” will have been decisive in ’s record, 5e on the medal table. “With 17 medals, Hauts-de-Seine became the first Olympic department in France, at the heart of the record of 64 medals, without forgetting our two magnificent Paralympic medals among the 75 won by the delegation which allowed our country to achieve its objective of entering the world top 8. It is a real consecration”, rejoices Georges Siffredi, who greets in passing “strength of character”, “courage” and “self-denial” athletes.

A double “charm” shines on the chest of judoka Maxime-Gaël Ngayap Hambou, bronze medalist in under 90 kg and gold with the French team led by Teddy Riner, during a memorable final against Japan (Arts Martiaux d’Asnières Judo). Since the end of the Games, it hasn’t stopped! I’m a discreet person by nature but I have to say that it’s nice to celebrate with the fans, the club, the family.” A week after the closing ceremony of the Paralympics, Hélios Latchoumanaya (AS Bourg-la-Reine), silver medallist in para-judo (category J2 under 90 kg) would also like “keep riding the wave.”Since the parade on the Champs-Élysées, there have been receptions everywhere, the important thing is that we celebrate our medals but also that we continue to talk about sport and parasport!



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