[Mercato] Jean-Louis Gasset: “There are a few players who make me feel, perhaps, a desire for elsewhere.”

[Mercato] Jean-Louis Gasset: “There are a few players who make me feel, perhaps, a desire for elsewhere.”
[Mercato] Jean-Louis Gasset: “There are a few players who make me feel, perhaps, a desire for elsewhere.”

At a press conference, with the Free MiddayJean-Louis Gasset, the Pailladin coach, spoke about the prospects for the next events:

“There are periods, as I said, when it is necessary to limit damage. In the championship, we are not far away, in quotes, and we still have our future in our hands. So, we have to make readjustments. We must put the church back in the middle of the village and leave with a good frame of mind. We know that we have shown that we can have the right reaction. But when we are not in the right state of mind, we lose, even against a team which, hierarchically, is less well placed than us.

Iconsport credits

What remedy is he considering to get better?

“Stability. The month of January will be hectic, we hear noises, I see players a little disillusioned or worried, or elsewhere. We'll live day by day, it's up to me to find out. Since we started again on December 29, we have trained every day. We had given a program during the week off which was respected. I don't sense any ill will. But there are a few players who make me feel, perhaps, a desire for elsewhere.

We will have to sort out the situation, perhaps come up with a genius idea. “Kiki” Kouyaté, with what I see in training, is a ray of sunshine, because he wants, he is aggressive, respected by everyone. We will have to be able to find these motivated players, who are in the project.



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