the “earthing” method that transformed Luis Enrique

In the series (not yet broadcast) dedicated to him by Movistar, Luis Enrique confides that he practices the “earthing” method allowing him to reconnect with the earth. And this has had very beneficial effects according to the PSG coach.

Heavy rain was falling that day on the PSG Campus in . The perfect weather according to Luis Enrique to undertake a little barefoot walk on the lawns of the Parisian training center. The sequence is from the new teaser of the series from the Spanish channel Movistar, No, I don’t have any **** ideas (“You have no fucking idea”), dedicated to the life of the Spanish technician in the French capital and broadcast on September 30. The latter explains that he devotes himself to the “earthing” method, a way of connecting the human body to the energy of the Earth.

“My allergies are gone”

A seemingly simple gesture with very beneficial effects, according to the former FC Barcelona coach. “Hello, how are you?” Luis Enrique says in French to a club manager who points out that it’s raining. “Catastrophe,” adds his interlocutor. “No, that’s good,” he replies before launching into a barefoot walk on the wet grass, whistling.

“I’ve been doing earthing for over a year,” he explains to the camera that follows his soaking wet stroll. “I had allergies every spring, viruses, I had to stop coming here by bike. Since I’ve been doing it, it’s gone. It’s a connection with nature, I love it.” The sequence is followed by a testimony from Luis Campos, PSG’s sports advisor. “I didn’t know there could be a human being with as much energy as him, it’s incredible,” confides the Portuguese. “We need that in right now.”

The practice of ‘earthing grounding’ hypothesizes that the use of shoes has disconnected us from the earth. Its followers assure that direct contact with the surface of the Earth can produce positive effects on physiology and health due to the release of electromagnetic charges with the ground. According to a study cited by the Spanish website La Razon, “the grounding of an organism produces measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines and other molecules involved in the inflammatory response.”

This excerpt is the last one broadcast by Movistar after those on his relationship with Kylian Mbappé but also the very difficult moments of his life (the death of his daughter, in particular). The title of the series, You have no fucking ideawas reportedly proposed by Luis Enrique himself to the film crews.



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