This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Abdel Latif El-Baz – Heba Press
The town of Beni Mellal suffers from the breakdown of many public lighting lamps, while others shine dimly, causing discontent among residents.
This situation causes great confusion, as streetlights have become mere useless decorations, while many neighborhoods and streets remain in complete darkness at night, making them a breeding ground for “Qatatiya” and “Skyri” who prefer dark places.
Residents express their complaints about this disastrous situation, especially in the slums drowned in darkness.
Poor lighting coincides with worsening road conditions, making nighttime travel more difficult and dangerous.
It should be noted that most of the city’s traffic lights have not undergone maintenance or replacement of lamps that have been broken for a long time.
This negligence aggravates the problem as maintenance work is delayed and there is no periodic monitoring by the authorities concerned.
Citizens are demanding immediate intervention to remedy outages, especially in winter, highlighting the urgent need for efficient street lighting.