The start of the season is encouraging in the Valais and Vaud Alps. The Christmas-New Year period displays record attendance, due to fresh snow and sunshine.
The start of the season is encouraging in the Valais and Vaud Alps. The pre-Christmas snowfall provided excellent conditions for winter sports just before the guests arrived. Swiss but also foreign tourists came in droves to enjoy the white gold and the sun. At Marécottes, we are talking about an extraordinary start to the season, with attendance increasing by a third compared to the same period last year, which had already been described as excellent. Although he dares to call it a record, Gianluca Lepori, director of Télémarécottes SA and VerticAlp SA, still remains cautious.
On the Leysin side, where we recorded attendance up almost 10% compared to the same period the previous winter, which was already a record year. The concerns are the same. This good start to the season is not everything. Jean-Marc Udriot, president of the company Télé Leysin, Les Mosses, La Lécherette SA.
And still in the Vaudois Alps, Télé-Villars-Gryon-Diablerets recorded the 2th best result in the company’s history, on December 30, with 16,200 customers.