800 million DH for the reconstruction of the Moulay El Hassan stadium in Rabat

The National Agency for Public Facilities intends to soon launch reconstruction work on the Moulay El Hassan stadium in Rabat. Details.

June 27, 2024 at 3:01 p.m.

Modified June 27, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

The National Agency for Public Equipment plans to begin work on the reconstruction of the Moulay El Hassan stadium in Rabat soon. Details.

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As part of the upgrade of sports infrastructures dedicated to the practice of football, the National Agency for Public Facilities has just launched, on instructions from the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, a call for tenders for the design and monitoring of the reconstruction work on the Moulay El Hassan stadium in Rabat.

“The project owner seeks to give a unique identity to the Prince Moulay El Hassan stadium in Rabat. With regard to the design of the roof and the appearance of the stadium’s facades, it is necessary to implement special efforts, while ensuring that the proposed solution is technically feasible and financially viable. In addition, as a public facility, the stadium must integrate harmoniously into its urban environment thanks to an appropriate design of its envelope and its exterior spaces,” we can read on the documents relating to the call for tenders.

The essential aspects of the project, which must be addressed equitably during the design phase in order to
form a coherent and functional whole, are as follows:

  • the natural grass playing area;
  • the stands and the roof (fully covered);
  • the premises under the stands;
  • the square and exterior arrangements;
  • access and connections with the urban environment.

The estimated budget for carrying out the project work is 800 million DH and includes:

– demolition and reconstruction works;

– fixed equipment and installations;

– ground adaptations and exterior fittings.

The new Moulay El Hassan stadium will be built on an area of 2,7 hectares and will be able to accommodate 22.0000 supporters.

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June 27, 2024 at 3:01 p.m.

Modified June 27, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.



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