The tiger mosquito is very present in Sarthe: what actions should be taken?

The tiger mosquito is very present in Sarthe: what actions should be taken?
The tiger mosquito is very present in Sarthe: what actions should be taken?


Frederic Jouvet

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 10:16 a.m.

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The department of Sarthe is one of the 7 new departments of metropolitan France colonized by the tiger mosquito in 2024, according to the Ministry of Health and Solidarity.

We take stock of the good reflexes to have in order to limit proliferation of this insect which can carry diseases linked to viruses such as dengue, chikungunya or zika.

A recent establishment in Sarthe

In the Pays de la Loire region, the first detection of the presence of tiger mosquito dates back to 2015 in Vendée. Currently, 32 Loire communes are listed as being colonized according to the ARS of Pays de la Loire. A third of them are located in Vendée.

In Sarthe, the detection of the tiger mosquito is much more recent since its presence was noted in 2022. Le Mans was the first city considered to have been colonized in the department since September 2023, according to the ARS.

In April 2024, the Ministry of Health and Solidarity added 7 departments of metropolitan France, including Sarthe, to the list of departments colonized by the tiger mosquito.

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What actions should be taken?

If you recognize a tiger mosquito, particularly in communities that are not normally colonized, it is possible to make a reporting via this site. The aim is to enable the tracking of the spread.

“The most effective means of prevention against the proliferation of mosquitoes is based on the destruction of larval breeding grounds, that is to say spawning grounds“, indicates the ARS of Pays de la Loire.

How to recognize a tiger mosquito?

The tiger mosquito has black and white stripes on its body and legs and a white line runs across its head and thorax. It is small (5mm). Its bite is painful and it bites during the day.

The proliferation of the tiger mosquito is favored by the presence ofbackwater and a minimum temperature so that the eggs can hatch.

To avoid this, it is recommended to remove from the garden or terrace everything that can serve as a container, to cover all water reserves, to empty saucers, buckets and vases once a week or to fill with water. sand the saucers of the flower pots.

Other important actions: check that rainwater drains properly (gutters, for example) and maintain the garden (clearing, pruning, picking up fallen fruit) in order to reduce sources of humidity.

How to protect yourself from bites?

To limit the possibility of being bitten, it is advisable to wear long, loose, light-colored clothing and to use mosquito repellent products.

The ideal is also to install mosquito nets at the level of the openings or to use fans (the tiger mosquito does not like the wind).

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