Legislative elections in Nice: attack in a polling station, a man was arrested

Legislative elections in Nice: attack in a polling station, a man was arrested
Legislative elections in Nice: attack in a polling station, a man was arrested


Jeremy Attali

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 10:19 a.m.

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The establishments opened at 8 a.m. this Sunday morning on the occasion of the legislative elections and an incident has occurred at the polling station at the Baumettes school, in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).

According to Christian Estrosi, mayor of the Côte d’Azur capital, “the attack” was the work of “an assessor designated by M. Ciotti who tried to prevent the opening of the office before punching its president.” He claims that the assessor was arrested.

An attack at a polling station in Nice

Across France, the first round of legislative elections will be held this Sunday, June 30, 2024. In Nice and the Alpes-Maritimes, the cameras are particularly focused on the future results obtained by Eric Ciotti, who has chosen to join the National Rally.

A decision which caused tensions among political representatives and activists, which visibly resulted this morning in an incident. An assessor would thus have contested the opening of an office whose composition he refuted. A scuffle then allegedly broke out and ended with a punch.

Eric Ciotti accused by Christian Estrosi

The national police then intervened to take him to the station. When contacted, they have not, at this time, responded to our requests.

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Eric Ciotti, who was accused by the mayor of Nice, did not communicate. Christian Estrosi also explained that he was “further strengthening the protection around the polling stations”, again on his X account.

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