Midday meal: 3 mistakes to avoid at lunch

Midday meal: 3 mistakes to avoid at lunch
Midday meal: 3 mistakes to avoid at lunch

Most people eat lunch in a hurry. “During my consultations, I often hear professionals say that they do not have time to eat properly,” says Nadia Leuenberger, a nutritionist based in Zurich. This is, according to her, one of the three classic errors.

Between meetings, we like to eat on the go, in front of the computer. Result: “In the afternoon, we quickly realize that the sandwich we devoured was far from enough and we compensate for the lack by starting to nibble on sweets,” explains Nadia Leuenberger.

In fact, the ideal would be to take a break of at least 30 minutes at lunch and leave your workstation. Eating on the go or skipping lunch altogether inevitably leads to cravings.

These are, most of the time, satisfied by food rich in sugar or calories or by excessive quantities. If the sandwich is, despite everything, essential, the choice of bread can make the difference. Indeed, wholemeal bread with nuts and seeds contains fiber and is more satiating in the long term.

A person who eats alone in front of their computer tends to wolf down their meal. The nutritionist advises instead to “sit down and take your time eating. We should perceive the taste and consistency of food,” she says.

Eating together plays an essential role. Hence the importance of taking care of your relationships. “Eating in a group provides more pleasure and releases dopamine and serotonin, which are the hormones of happiness,” says the specialist. This allows you to fill up on energy. Good chewing also contributes to perceiving the sensation of satiety.

Those whose goal is to satisfy hunger as quickly as possible usually opt for a large portion of pasta or rice. But as with the sandwich, the rule is as follows: short-chain carbohydrates do not have a long-lasting satiating effect and have a negative impact on blood sugar levels.

Nadia Leuenberger recommends incorporating three ingredients into your midday meal: vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Here again, you should favor foods made from whole grains for a longer-lasting feeling of satiety.



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