Danny Khezzar juggles street food and gastronomy at the Fanzone

Danny Khezzar juggles street food and gastronomy at the Fanzone
Danny Khezzar juggles street food and gastronomy at the Fanzone

Unprecedented, a starred chef has set up shop as a restaurateur at the Geneva Fanzone. During Euro 2024, Danny Khezzar, from the Bayview kitchens, offers street food with gourmet sauce. The opportunity to demystify a sometimes inaccessible world.

2:30 p.m., the end of lunch service in the Bayview kitchens is near. At the helm, chef Danny Khezzar, 1 Michelin star, is fine-tuning the final details. His cuisine is popular, as evidenced by the restaurant at the President Wilson hotel which is, as is often the case, full this Wednesday.

Danny Khezzar is used to work and has decided not to stop there. With “Sheesh”, the Chef shows up where no one expected him. “It’s part of me. I like to be accessible and do lots of beautiful projects. Here, it’s done in complete relaxation in front of a football match,” recalls Danny Khezzar with a smile.

During Euro 2024 in Plainpalais, its stand offers sandos, a Japanese-inspired sandwich. Drinks and homemade ice creams are also on the menu. There is no luxury here, but the same standards and hard work remain.

Always ahead, never out

Through this project, Danny Khezzar continues to cook in a unique way. Its chic but accessible street food approach is part of an approach faithful to the phenomenon discovered in Top Chef.

Mathieu and Nicolas, former collaborators of chef Danny Khezzar at the Bayview, are at the helm at the Fanzone. Both confirm that the craze for “gastro sandos” is growing! Proof of its success, the “Sheesh” will be added to the menu of the President Wilson hotel and will establish itself as a fully-fledged brand in Geneva, from the end of July, following Euro 2024.



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