Y. Galant in Washington: Smoothing out the rough edges between allies in hyper-tense times

Y. Galant in Washington: Smoothing out the rough edges between allies in hyper-tense times
Y. Galant in Washington: Smoothing out the rough edges between allies in hyper-tense times

Yoav Gallant, Israeli Defense Minister, held a first round of meetings after arriving in Washington for a visit to the United States expected to focus on the war between Israel and the Hamas in Gaza and the intensive cross-border fighting with the Hezbollah Lebanese. Y. Gallant first meets the leaders of theAIPAC, to which he declared that the United States “are Israel’s most important ally – and more central than ever”, before meeting Lindsey Graham, Republican senator from South Carolina.

Before boarding his plane towards Washington, the minister stressed on Sunday the importance of the relationship uniting Israel and the United States and indicated that he would have, in Washington, talks which will be decisive in the continuation of the war. “Meetings with top government officials will be critical to the future of the war,” he added. “During these discussions, I plan to address the evolving situation on the northern and southern fronts, in Gaza and Lebanon,” he said. “We are ready to take any action that may be necessary in Gaza, Lebanon and elsewhere,” should he clarify by recalling that “The transition to ‘Phase 3’ in Gaza is of the utmost importance. I will discuss this transition with American officials, see how it might allow other things to happen and I know that we will succeed in establishing close cooperation with the United States on this too,” he continued.

According to Israeli media, Y. Gallant is expected to meet Antony Blinken, US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, William Burns, Director of the CIA, and Amos Hochstein, Special Envoy. The main objective of this trip is to unfreeze a shipment of heavy bombs that the United States was supposed to send to Israel, a delivery which has been blocked.

This trip also comes at a time marked by an open spat between the US administration and the Israeli government which, on Tuesday, released a video where Netanyahu attacked Washington for its blockade « inconvenable » of arms deliveries – beyond, he said, the cargo of heavy bombs whose departure was suspended. The White House has since repeatedly insisted that it did not ” no idea “ of what B. Netanyahu was referring to, even if the Prime Minister later relaunched the same accusations.

Some analysts have suggested that the video may have been intended to ensure that Netanyahu could take credit for additional US arms transfers, should such transfers be decided during the visit. carried out by Y. Gallant.

The Israeli Prime Minister also said on Sunday that the fighting “intense” against Palestinian Hamas in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip where the Israeli army is carrying out a ground offensive, are “about to end”. “The intense phase of the fighting against Hamas is about to end. It’s about to end. This does not mean that the war is about to end but the war in its intense phase is about to end in Rafah,” he announced to the Israeli channel Channel 14. After the Rafah operation, the Prime Minister declared that Israel would continue to ” to mow the lawn “, term which, according to the New York Times, has “long been used in Israeli security circles to refer to the use of force aimed at preventing the re-emergence of militant organizations”After the end of the intense phase, we will be able to redeploy some forces towards the north,” Netanyahu said, suggesting that he could send more troops to the Israeli-Lebanese border to confront the Hezbollah, ally of Hamas. The Prime Minister’s remarks suggest that ” the war could soon enter a period of change »analyzes the New York Times.

On the ground, however, the Palestinian resistance is not giving up in Tel Aviv. THE Brigades Al-Qods claim to have bombarded with mortar shells a position of enemy soldiers on the supply line in the axis Netzarim, a strategic corridor separating the enclave in two, shelled several times in recent hours. They also targeted, with a barrage of mortar shells, a position of soldiers and vehicles of the occupation south of the Tal Al-Sultan district, west of the city of Rafah. The Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, are not idle either. Like the other components of the Palestinian resistance who are working to make the Zionist outfit in the Gaza Strip a nightmare. The Zionist army acknowledged the death of one of its soldiers from the 9212th battalion of the 205th armored reserve brigade « Iron Fist » by Susya. His death brings to 315 the number of soldiers killed in operations on the Gaza border. This assessment is largely underestimated in view of the videos documenting the operations of the Palestinian resistance.

In the Palestinian enclave subject to a very severe embargo, causing famine, thirst and deterioration of the health situation, theUNRWA launched a new SOS recalling that Tel Aviv seeks to end the agency’s operations, affirming that “If we do not act, other institutions will be the next target. »

Yuval Diskin, former head of Shin Bet, spoke at the weekly anti-government protest movement in Tel Aviv, which brought together tens of thousands of people to protest the handling of the war in Gaza and the prime minister’s failure to negotiate the release of dozens of hostages still held in the Palestinian territory. The former head of the intelligence agency from 2005 to 2011 told the crowd that “the worst prime minister” of all of Israel’s history had spent the last decade bringing the country to a situation where no internal, regional or international security is any longer assured, adding that Israel’s existence as a state was likely to be undermined. be threatened in the near future.

He called for early elections as quickly as possible with the aim of forming “a government of national unity” without B. Netanyahu and without the extremists and other messianic fanatics. “To those who still hesitate: there is no more time to lose to save the country. Rise up and join the protests in favor of replacing the government,” he told the protesters gathered on Kaplan Street, opposite the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, the Eat it. Echoing this, thousands of people then chanted ” NOW ! » Calling on Israelis to take to the streets and demonstrate until the government is dissolved, Y. Diskin said that the priority for Israel should be the return of the hostages from Gaza as well as the normalization of ties with Saudi Arabia, d a way likely to bring a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. David Grossman, one of the best-known Israeli authors and winner of the 2018 Israel Prize for Literature, called on Israelis to “fight in the streets and on the roads”.

David Hirst, a British journalist, has warned Israel against becoming an apartheid state that adopts fascist ideology and converges with the European fascist right in order to find a final solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. “If Israel does this,” he said, “it will face an existential moment sooner than many think. “, he warned in an article on the site Middle East Eye. He mentioned the phenomenon “of rapprochement between Israel and the European far right despite the excessive hostility between the two parties during the Second World War and until recently.”

Returning to the details of this rapprochement, such as the recent declarations of the Israeli Prime Minister in Paris, in which he described the war in Gaza, addressing the Europeans: “Our victory is your victory!” It is the victory of Judeo-Christian civilization over barbarism. It’s France’s victory! If we win here, you win there. “, he spoke of what he called the jubilation of Israelis due to the success of the far right in the recent European legislative elections. They saw it as a response to the recognition of the Palestinian state by Spain, Ireland, Norway and Slovenia.

The British journalist pointed out that Adolf Hitler became an example for “Israel These Days.” Quoting former Likud Knesset member Moshe Feiglin, he reports saying on television last week: “As Hitler said, I cannot live if a Jew remains alive; we cannot live here if a Nazi Islamist remains in Gaza.”

“This is fascism, plain and simple. It has increasingly become commonplace in mainstream Israeli media. All the old taboos are gone, which is why European fascists are so easily accepted as kindred spirits of Israeli fascists,” he lamented.

In his article, D. Hirst discussed the strengthening of relations between the Zionist entity and Serbia, the increase in arms exports from the latter to Israel during its aggression against Gaza and the expression of gratitude from the Israeli Prime Minister to the Serbian President.



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