Saint-Martin-Vésubie again affected by severe bad weather, floods washed away the bridges

Saint-Martin-Vésubie again affected by severe bad weather, floods washed away the bridges
Saint-Martin-Vésubie again affected by severe bad weather, floods washed away the bridges
Eric Ciotti/X Saint-Martin-Vésubie was again affected by severe weather on June 24, 2024.

Eric Ciotti/X

Saint-Martin-Vésubie was again affected by severe weather on June 24, 2024.

FRANCE – Still under water. The town of Saint-Martin-Vésubie, in the Alpes-Maritimes, was once again affected by severe bad weather this Monday, June 24. The village had already been the victim of deadly floods during the passage of storm Alex in 2020, then was impacted by depression Aline in 2023.

As France Bleu explains, heavy rains fell in the region around Lake Boréon, causing the waters to rise. It caused the burial of temporary bridges, built after storm Alex which left at least 10 dead.

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“Support for the inhabitants of my village of Saint-Martin-Vésubie once again affected by severe weather. The temporary works that were never completed have been taken away again! »lamented Alpes-Maritimes MP Éric Ciotti on X. He also posted several photos of the damage, of submerged or destroyed roads as you can see above.

” At the end of my rope “

Thierry Ingigliardi, deputy for works at the town hall of Saint-Martin-Vésubie, interviewed by BFMTV, said ” at the end of my rope “ : “Everything is being destroyed, we are experiencing the loss of roads once again. » As detailed by the news channel, the Boréon road is completely buried and residents are stuck in Haut-Boréon.

“Significant rainfall is underway in the Alpes-Maritimes, particularly in the Vésubie valley, causing significant flooding. Bridges were washed away, several homes evacuated. The authorities and emergency services are fully mobilized”for his part warned the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, on X.

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Saint-Martin-Vésubie must welcome evacuees in its community hall, others will be welcomed in a hotel, details Nice morning. The firefighters told France Bleu that there were no victims.

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