What would be the purpose of the anti-fraud ministry wanted by Jordan Bardella?

If he wins a majority of seats in the legislative elections, Jordan Bardella has promised to create a ministry to combat fraud, estimated at several tens of billions of euros according to him. But what would be the role of this new ministerial portfolio?

Several candidates have made the fight against fraud one of the arguments of the legislative campaign. And the National Rally is no exception: this Monday, June 24, while Jordan Bardella presented the program of the nationalist party, he indicated in the latter that “a ministry responsible for the fight against fraud” would be created if his camp manages to win a majority of seats in the National Assembly.

In detail, the party intends to “allow social organizations to access useful files to fight against fraud”, but also to “check that people who receive benefits are still alive, in particular when they live in the foreigner” and “put in place the biometric vital card”.

The part of the program mentioning the fight against fraud also promises to “strengthen import controls to put an end to the sale of foreign products that do not comply with French standards” and to “make distributors legally responsible in the event of the sale of non-compliant products.” comply with national regulations.

In France, “fraud would be of the order of 15 billion euros per year for VAT alone, from 10 to 20, even 25 billion euros for fraud in social benefits, even though social organizations do not detected, in 2019, only one billion euros of fraud,” the political party also justified.

Control the payment of benefits to people living abroad

Clearly, the National Rally intends to fight both VAT fraud and social fraud. Except that if the amount relayed regarding the first turns out to be accurate in accordance with a report from the Court of Auditors dating from 2019, the veracity of the second figure mentioned raises questions. Indeed, the Wise Men have established several estimates of social fraud, which could reach 8 billion euros according to them. A sum which would be much lower than that put forward by the RN.



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