Bart De Wever presents his “starting note” in Flanders this Tuesday, consultations continue in Wallonia and Brussels

Only when the other two parties have approved the note will Bart De Wever send a trainer, who has a good chance of subsequently becoming the new Flemish minister-president.

Formation of the Brussels government

Alongside the ongoing political consultations with a view to forming a Brussels majority, the Brussels leader of the MR, David Leisterh will meet “in the coming days, several actors on the ground”, he announced on Monday. Mr. Leisterh’s objective is to “prioritize the state of the situation in budgetary matters, particularly while the MR has been in opposition for 20 years”, he indicated Monday in a press release addressed to the Belga agency.

According to Mr. Leisterh, these consultations will start on Tuesday in the Brussels Parliament. These meetings will allow “an initial objective inventory” which can be shared subsequently with all the groups involved in the formation of the future government.

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“The first meetings should provide clarity on the budgetary situation,” he added.

David Leisterh also insisted on the fact that he intended to “use every minute to be able to quickly implement an ambitious project for Brussels”.

Tuesday, the leader of the Brussels MR will meet, at 11:00 a.m., the director of the federal debt agency, Jean Deboutte. From 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., he will speak with Mark Dehoux, director general of the Budget and Finance department of the Brussels Region.

On Wednesday, the general administrator of the Federal Treasury, Alexandre de Geest, will be expected at 11:00 a.m. at the Brussels Parliament. In the afternoon, it will be the turn of Pierre Wunsch, governor of the National Bank of Belgium.

Thursday, the one who is also president of the Brussels regional of the MR will receive the director of the regional debt agency, Serge Dupont at 2 p.m.

Formation of the Walloon government

“I hope that the unions will be agents of change for Wallonia and not blocking elements,” said Monday the president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez, at the end of a meeting in the Walloon parliament with worker representatives. .


After the employers’ world, it was the unions who met, this Monday morning, Georges-Louis Bouchez and Maxime Prévot, the presidents of the MR and the Engagés, as part of their consultations with civil society.

“Our priority is quality jobs,” Jean-François Tamellini, the secretary general of the Walloon FGTB, told them. “If we want to escape precariousness, we need quality jobs. However, on the contrary, we fear a precariousness. We will examine the Regional Policy Declaration (DPR) and the concrete measures it will include,” he added.

“We share the same observation but not the same remedy. Wallonia must change; it needs reforms,” summarized the president of the French-speaking liberals. Without brutalizing the sectors, “things will be different: the activation of job seekers will change; just like the use of public funds,” he explained.

Maxime PrévotMaxime Prévot

Formation of the federal government: the Engaged refuse any savings on health care, “we must not leave the field only to the MR and the N-VA”

As for the regional recovery plan, the culmination of the previous government, “it will not remain as it is”, assured Mr. Bouchez while the unions are worried about the future of this plan in which they were associated. “Everything is not to be thrown away but it must be reviewed by focusing on the real structuring projects for Wallonia. »

“We want to stay within a framework of social consultation,” emphasized Maxime Prévot, according to whom the unions are “partners in the success of the next Walloon government.”

“Employers have told us of their desire for administrative simplification. It was also a question, on their part, of supporting the initiatives taken and activating job seekers without being in an excessively punitive approach,” he added.

