Insoumise France invests Quatennens, Amy Bah of the Nous Tous collective challenges it

Insoumise France invests Quatennens, Amy Bah of the Nous Tous collective challenges it
Insoumise France invests Quatennens, Amy Bah of the Nous Tous collective challenges it
JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP This feminist candidate claims to be from the Popular Front against Quatennens (here on October 17, 2023)


This feminist candidate claims to be from the Popular Front against Quatennens (here on October 17, 2023)

POLITICS – An LFI inauguration that is still blocking. While France Insoumise has chosen to represent Adrien Quatennens in the first constituency in the North despite protests linked to his conviction for domestic violence, Amy Bah, member of the feminist collective Nous Tous, announces her candidacy this Saturday, June 15.

“I am a candidate to see the left strong and united in the hemicycle, the one which carries all the values ​​of the New Popular Front”she writes in a press release published on social networks, explaining that she unsuccessfully asked to be invested by the movement in place of Adrien Quatennens, whom she describes as “Achilles heel of the left. »

“I wish to carry the ideas and the disruptive program of the New Popular Front”A “movement that restores collective hope”insists the candidate, 27 years old, with a degree in public law and who has already worked in politics.

Martine Aubry supports Amy Bah

Adrien Quatennens was invested by France Insoumise in this constituency, of which he is the outgoing deputy, despite his four-month suspended prison sentence for domestic violence. His case had been debated for several days on the left, particularly among socialists and ecologists, with some saying they were outraged by this inauguration.

Amy Bah says introduce herself “in conscience and responsibility, after having received numerous supports and requests to (oneself) present”in a constituency “left for 30 years” and that “therefore carries a low risk from the extreme right”. She has already received on the social network “full support” from the PS mayor of Lille, Martine Aubry, who welcomed “a candidate from civil society, feminist, social, environmentalist and anti-racist”.

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After the agreement signed for the new Popular Front, the investitures – decided by each party – are already causing the first tensions. Besides the Adrien Quatennens case, rebellious France is illustrated by a “ purge » of some of its leaders, outgoing deputies punished for having criticized Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the lack of internal democracy in the movement.

Alexis Corbière, Danielle Simonnet and Raquel Garrido have for example been excluded and will have to face official candidates, to the great dismay of several leaders of other parties in the alliance. Olivier Faure and Marine Tondelier have already announced that they want to find a solution this Saturday morning.

At the same time, the former President of the Republic François Hollande will announce his candidacy in the coming hours in the 1st constituency of Corrèze. The socialist, hated by part of the radical left and critical of the direction taken by his party under the governance of Olivier Faure, was not initially included in the PS’s plans.

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