Government formation: who has control? Analysis of election results

Government formation: who has control? Analysis of election results
Government formation: who has control? Analysis of election results

The electoral results generally mark a victory for the right-wing parties in the north and south of the country. The MR became the leading political party on the French-speaking side while in Flanders, the N-VA remained in the lead. Even if Vlaams Belang is making progress, the expected far-right tidal wave has not taken place.

Who has the hand, today, in Belgium?

There is nothing written, there is no procedure to follow. There is just a tradition in Belgium, which consists of working a priori with the political families who won the election, in this case, MR, Engagés, N-VA and Vooruit.

If we start from the fairly standard principle that the future Prime Minister must come from the ranks of the largest party having won the elections, Bart De Wever, the president of the N-VA, an open candidate for the office, quickly comes out on top. prognosis.

But before putting him on the track as a trainer, then as Prime Minister, we must go through an informant – and there, a French-speaking person, probably the president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez could receive a function in this sense: to inform and demine the field politics for Bart De Wever.

In Flanders, is it a disillusioning tomorrow for the far-right and its president Tom Van Grieken?

Yes and no. It was a cold shower because everyone announced that Vlaams Belang would finish first in Flanders and they were beaten by Bart De Wever’s N-VA. It is therefore a real disappointment for Van Grieken who imagined raising his political party to responsibilities as is done almost everywhere in Europe, from the Netherlands to Italy, via Scandinavia.

But nuance, all the same, because the far-right is still progressing and a whole series of its ideas and themes are infusing into the other parties. The Flemish far right lost a battle, but it did not lose the war.

Can the formation of governments go quickly?

In the Walloon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, MR and Engagés can move forward relatively quickly together. In the Brussels Region, on the other hand, they must join forces with the PS. Two people won’t be enough, so discussions ahead.

At the federal level, if the N-VA puts its community agenda on the shelf, and we put forward a government focused on socio-economic reforms, things can also move forward relatively quickly. I think it’s the will of the main actors in the play that will play out. I spoke about it with the president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez this morning, and he told me that he wanted to quickly put in place measures to boost employment and reduce the number of unemployed.

elections 2024 politics



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