Olivier Onclin almost confirmed as new CEO of Belfius

Olivier Onclin almost confirmed as new CEO of Belfius
Olivier Onclin almost confirmed as new CEO of Belfius

En ten years, Marc Raisière, current CEO of Belfius and whose mandate expires in April 2026, has taken his bank from the status of ugly duckling (Belfius is the heir of Dexia, very strongly impacted by the financial crisis) to that of growing business. The boss had already warned that he would not run for a third term, so it was time to organize his succession.

It’s done. Through a letter sent to his staff and the press, Marc Raisière announces several changes within the management committee, “validated by a vote of the board of directors”, specifies the bank.

First Olivier Onclin, very close to the “boss”, becomes vice-president of the “codir”, enough to formalize his status as right-hand man.

Also read
Marc Raisière, CEO of Belfius: “We are playing our role to the fullest”

A new CEO and an immediate departure

It is he who will coordinate the development of the company’s new strategic plan for 2030. The man is therefore ideally suited – rumors have already been circulating for several months – to become the next CEO of Belfius, in two springs. Even if the shareholder (the Belgian State) and the regulators (a formality) still have to give their “go”. From 1is January, he will also “switch” his current position with that of Dirk Gyselinck. Who will therefore take charge of retail banking, while Onclin will focus for a time on the “wholesale and public banking” department (i.e. large institutional clients) and on the management of the Belfius brand.

This remodeling also marks an almost immediate departure but “on good terms”. That of the financial manager since 2011, Johan Vankelecom, “mainly due to a difference of views concerning the future organization”. He will be replaced by Marianne Collin, current risk manager, as soon as a candidate has been selected to occupy his current position.

As for Marc Raisière, he would run for the post of president. Which should go like a letter in the mail.

Also read
Marc Raisière, boss of Belfius: “It is wrong to say that no one comes to the agency anymore”



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