Bang Si Hyuk accused by Internet users of having an obsession with KARINA (aespa) following the creation of HYBE’s virtual girlgroup – K-GEN

Bang Si Hyuk accused by Internet users of having an obsession with KARINA (aespa) following the creation of HYBE’s virtual girlgroup – K-GEN
Bang Si Hyuk accused by Internet users of having an obsession with KARINA (aespa) following the creation of HYBE’s virtual girlgroup – K-GEN

The creation of HYBE’s new girl group has led to various controversies, with Bang Si Hyuk being the main target.

A few days ago, HYBE launched its virtual girlgroup called SYNDI8.

If the news was rather poorly received, controversies began to accumulate, in particular because SEVENTEEN fans criticized the group for writing itself in Korean 신디에잇 (syn-di-eight), which uses the same characters in hangeul than the name of THE8: 디에잇 (di-eight), because this risks impacting and hindering research on the SEVENTEEN member.

That’s not all because an artist accused HYBE of having contacted him to make the illustrations of the group’s characters before cutting all contact and working without him, the artist accusing HYBE’s illustrations of being plagiarisms of his own characters and his artistic style.

But the most disturbing comes from one of the members of the group. The name of the first member of SYNDI8 is CANARY (which is written in hangeul 카나리), and whose name in Korean therefore uses exactly the same characters as those of KARINA (카리나). If the resemblance could be coincidental, CANARY has exactly the same MBTI (ENFP) and the same height (1m68) as KARINA.

Knowing that Bang Si Hyuk has spoken on several occasions about aespa, and in particular about his desire to crush the SM Entertainment girl group in his conversation with Min Hee Jin, Internet users are starting to really wonder if he might not be in the process of do a fix on aespa, and on KARINA.

On South Korean community sites, fans and the public are really skeptical about HYBE’s choices regarding member CANARY and the number of similarities with KARINA. The public is even noticeably annoyed by Bang Si Hyuk and the agency’s actions.

On TheQoo in particular, many comments accuse Bang Si Hyuk of having an obsession with aespa and KARINA, and express that they do not understand why he persists in doing things that only serve to make HYBE lose sympathy and credibility .

Some fans express that they are finding it increasingly difficult to support HYBE because of these questionable choices.

Source : theqoo



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