Mélissa Bédard refused to attend the premiere of Céline Dion’s documentary: Here’s why

Mélissa Bédard refused to attend the premiere of Céline Dion’s documentary: Here’s why
Mélissa Bédard refused to attend the premiere of Céline Dion’s documentary: Here’s why

It was this Tuesday, after long weeks where our patience was tested, that the long-awaited documentary landed on Prime Video I am: Celine Dion. A real testimony to the harsh reality of the singer of Charlemagne, this critically acclaimed production is Céline Dion’s response to the many questions concerning her state of health and the stiff person syndrome from which she suffers. We talked to you about it here.

This is how, last week, the media premiere took place simultaneously in New York and Montreal. Mélissa Bédard, known for her passion and her unwavering love for the singer of “J’irai où tu iras”, was invited to attend the great Montreal premiere of the documentary. However, as evidenced by her most recent publication on social networks, the actress kindly declined the invitation, feeling too moved by the words and the dark destiny which is now bewitching Céline’s vocal health. She explains :

« I was invited to the premiere of the documentary “Je suis Céline”. I wanted to go, but deep down I knew I had to listen to this documentary alone at home, in my living room. Finally, my great friend Andréanne Voice, an unemotional girl (joke), joined me! I have always known that I am a door, a tall 6 foot 1 door, a door to emotions, whether they are mine or not. I find it hard not to let myself be overwhelmed this evening, helpless in the face of this heartbreaking fate. I would have liked to be able to take away this pain that Céline has been carrying for so long with a single wave of a magic wand! A mixture of anger, compassion, laughter, tears, that, no damn common sense. What is the price to pay in the end? His example of the apple tree resonated with me just as much as the moment when we look at the crisis with our hands on our faces because we don’t want to see, but I am one of those who wait so I want to know. The singing, the music, his audience, his life, I understood everything. A force of nature, a wonderful mother. Céline will never again have to be ashamed of saying “I won’t be able to sing tonight.” Céline will finally be Céline.

Journalist: Céline, will you one day be able to score again in “All by Myself”?

Céline’s response: I am not a note, I am not just a song. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend. I am a person.

This message is so beautiful, so big! Taking the time to find yourself as a person, no matter how long it takes you, that’s the important thing. Be you -


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