” Me, I think that…

” Me, I think that…
” Me, I think that…

France TV (DR) / @ayanakamura_officiel

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

Since Emmanuel Macron’s desire to see Aya Nakamura be the muse of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was made public, numerous debates have been opened on the relevance of this choice. Between a right generally opposed to the approach and a left rather favorable, who is positioned where among the artists? Isabelle Boulay has decided.

Nothing has been made official at this stage, but it’s just like: barring a big turnaround, Aya Nakamura will be the star of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in a few weeks. On this occasion, the native of Bamako should perform one or more songs by Edith Piaf, thus constituting a bridge between the France of yesteryear and the France of today.

This disruptive choice did not please everyone, and that is an understatement. But if certain personalities have publicly expressed their negative preconceptions, like Emma Daumas, the vast majority of artists instead rushed to the aid of Aya Nakamura. This is what Isabelle Boulay also did, even if she chose to be more nuanced.

Isabelle Boulay not opposed to the choice of Aya Nakamura at the Olympics

Guest of the TF1 morning show a few weeks ago, the one who shares the life of Eric Dupond-Moretti did not fail to be questioned about the controversy. She then replied:

Why not ? We’ll see, we’ll see the proposal. But I think it’s not a bad idea. It’s a counter-use, and sometimes, it produces magnificent things.

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Without denying that we would not necessarily have expected Aya Nakamura in this exercise, the Quebecer wants to believe in the success of this project, she who also confided “listening to everything, including rap”. It is therefore with keen and assumed curiosity that the 51-year-old singer will turn on the television set on July 26.

In any case, the speaking out of the interpreter of “Parle-moi” constitutes additional support for Aya Nakamura, who has already been supported by numerous artists. For example, we can mention Lara Fabian and Michèle Torr:

Lara Fabian: “Does a judgment on this have any meaning, especially from another singer? If Aya Nakamura is happy with this idea, I think it’s wonderful. I think it’s a very nice idea, even if it may be disruptive for some.”

Michèle Torr: “Personally I am proud and happy to be represented by a French personality recognized internationally. She fully deserves this honor. I can’t wait to hear his version of Piaf which will obviously be very personal, and that’s what’s interesting too. I will think of you Aya.”

If she did not hide a certain surprise at the choice of Aya Nakamura for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, Isabelle Boulay hopes to see this “counter-use” transformed into success, in order to close the controversy once and for all for all. Answer at the end of July, therefore, before the eyes of the whole world.



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