France is soon abandoning analogue radio, check if your radio is DAB+ compatible

France is soon abandoning analogue radio, check if your radio is DAB+ compatible
France is soon abandoning analogue radio, check if your radio is DAB+ compatible

The French radio sector is aiming for a complete transition to digital by 2033. This change will mark the end of FM broadcasting in favor of DAB+ and the Internet. An Arcom report details this development and its implications.

Source : 123rf

The traditional FM radioused for decades, relies on terrestrial broadcasting analog. However, a new technology called DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting) is gaining ground. The latter, mandatory in new cars since 2020, offers better sound quality, eliminates interference and allows you to stay on the same station without interruption, even during long car journeys.

Currently, approximately 62% of French territory is covered by DAB+. According to Arcom, in its Radio White Paper of June 2024, this figure should reach 70% by 2033. According to this same report, in 2023, 20% of listeners were already listening to radio via digital media, which represents a increase of 63% in five years.

Arcom figures show that more than 9 million French people listened to radio daily via the Internet in 2023, i.e. 17% of the population, compared to 11% in 2015. This trend indicates a gradual shift towards digital listening. It is motivated by the modernization of modern equipment and vehicles that integrate systems like Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, even if many manufacturers do not want the latter.

Arcom wants to put an end to classic radios by 2033

Arcom thus offers a transition to all-digital in two phases. The first, “preparation”, will take place between 2024 and 2027, aiming to improve DAB+ coverage and encourage the adoption of compatible receivers. The second, “migration”, between 2028 and 2033, will see a smooth increase in the use of this technology and the Internet for radio broadcasting.

This move from FM to DAB+ and the Internet will lead to significant changes for users. Old, non-compatible car radios and sets will need to be replaced with models capable of receiving them. This risks distort classic vehicles or collectible, and will force you has separate yourself from your good old morning alarm that has followed you for years.

This development therefore marks the end of traditional car radios. Arcom plans budgetary aid to support this transition, particularly for the equipment of municipalities and users. The president of this authority, Roch-Olivier Maistre, underlines the importance of this development to guarantee the future of radio in France, because in fact, its live audience is decreasing. This is especially the case among young people, and to audiences who prefer podcasts and other on-demand uses.



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