Ambre (Large families) reveals that her daughter spent the night in the emergency room and gives her news

Ambre (Large families) reveals that her daughter spent the night in the emergency room and gives her news
Ambre (Large families) reveals that her daughter spent the night in the emergency room and gives her news

This Wednesday, June 19, Ambre (Large families) revealed that her daughter Jade spent a night in the emergency room after being electrified while opening her door. She gives his news.

Amber experienced a stressful moment. Since she left Large families: life in XXL, Ambre shares her daily life on social networks. If she talks about her relationship with her new companion, she also gives news about her children. And at the moment, the mother is quite worried. After taking her son to the hospital for spots on his body, it was her daughter, Jade, who spent a night in the emergency room. The young woman was electrified twice when she opened her door and had to undergo check-ups.

Amber (Large families) looks back on his daughter Jade’s accident

This Wednesday, June 19, Ambre wanted to share the complicated moment she experienced the previous night with her daughter Jade. “Jade was electrified twice yesterday when she opened her front door“, she began under a publication in which we see a series of photos of the mother and daughter followed by a video showing the young girl receiving a shock (to be found HERE). She then explained the facts: “Nothing serious otherwise I wouldn’t have told you about it Today ! This once again allows us to do prevention on this subject. Jade was barefootshe had just picked up something at the entrance to her building. When he opened it, with the light on, it gave him an electric shock twice.“, said the mother. She explains that her daughter went to the emergency room and had to do several tests.

Amber (Large families) gives news of her daughter’s health

If Ambre is reassuring about her daughter’s health, she does not hide the fact that she had to do a lot of tests. “Nothing serious but we had to do an x-ray to see if there was an exit point, a biological assessment to see if there had been any cardiac distress and of course an electrocardiogram“, she explains. No longer living with her, Amber had to take the road in the middle of the night to reach her, but had a lot of trouble arriving early. Fortunately, Jade was able to count on a nurse who accompanied her throughout the evening.



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