Against you on France 2: Did Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry improvise during their love scenes? – News Series on TV

Against you on France 2: Did Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry improvise during their love scenes? – News Series on TV
Against you on France 2: Did Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry improvise during their love scenes? – News Series on TV

In “Contre toi”, Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry share intimate scenes due to the bond between their characters. But were the actors supervised by a coordinator to shoot these sequences?

Nicolas ROBIN/ UGC

Wednesday June 19, 2024, France 2 invites its viewers to discover the four-episode mini-series entitled Contre toi from 9:10 p.m. In this thriller, Virginie Ledoyen lends her features to Esther, the main character, alongside Lannick Gautry and Charlie Dupont, who play Mathias and Fred respectively.

A forbidden and torrid romance

Here, we follow Fred and Esther Cavalieri, who form a flamboyant couple deeply united with their two children. But then why does the latter, a woman seemingly without history and without an enemy, find herself in mortal danger from one day to the next?

To protect her, Fred hires Mathias, a bodyguard, while the police find the culprit. However, in their daily promiscuity, Esther and Mathias will develop an intimacy that irremediably attracts them to each other. And this sensual tension is a real danger for this family. Can Esther continue to trust those close to her? Who wants harm to the Cavalieri?

“These are scenes that repeat themselves…”

Due to the forbidden bond that arises between their characters, Virginie Ledoyen and Lannick Gautry share sex scenes on screen, an exercise not always easy for actors and very often supervised by an intimacy coordinator these days.

However, as the actress explained to our microphone, she and her partner did not wish to call on an intimacy coordinator for the filming of Against You. She declared to AlloCiné: “We were of course asked if we wanted an intimacy coordinator. This was not the case because for us our intimacy coordinator was already Christophe Lamottedirector.

Beforehand, we talked a lot togetherremembers Virginie Ledoyen. These are scenes that repeat themselves. For love scenes, it’s not: ‘Come on, hop! Do a love scene and we’ll see what we get!’ (laughs) No, we needed to know what he wanted, what he was going to keep and cut [au montage, ndlr]…The look he gave allowed us to have confidence.”

The first two episodes of Contre toi are broadcast on Wednesday June 19 from 9:10 p.m. on France 2. The last two parts will be offered on Wednesday June 26, same time, same channel.



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