We read “Wild Anemones” by Mélanie Guyard

We read “Wild Anemones” by Mélanie Guyard
We read “Wild Anemones” by Mélanie Guyard

KRISS55, contributor to the 20 Minutes Books reading group, recommends “Les anémones sauvage” by Mélanie Guyard published on May 15, 2024 at Seuil.

His favorite quote:

« Age is a weight that breaks the wings; Alice doesn’t want to give up flying. »

Why this book?

  • Because this novel combines a realistic story in its contemporaneity with a more magical, more secret ancient history, which will gradually be revealed.
  • Because this novel combines memories and imagination giving the story a unique tone.
  • Because it’s Alice, the 10 year old girl who believes in fairy tales, who makes the connection and goes through the looking glass to unearth buried secrets.
  • Because the Poitevin marsh and its description are an integral part of this novel, imbuing its places, its characters and its story with mystery and mist.
  • Because the author mobilizes her talents as a storyteller of children’s novels to imbue a gripping, suspended story with a dark atmosphere.

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot. Hélène, seven months pregnant, flees with her daughter from a threatening former lover. She found refuge in the dovecote of a Poitevin farm inhabited by the widow Gransagne. These three women will face the ghosts of the past, present and future.

Characters. The widow Gransagne, owner of La Grivière Hélène, tenant and Alice, her daughter.

Places. A square farm, La Grivière, in the Poitevin marsh, with a dovecote for rent.

The time. 1950 et 2015

The author. Mélanie Guyard is a biology teacher and writer. She has published around ten comics and numerous youth novels under the pseudonym Andoryss. After Sensitive souls, Wild anemones is his fourth novel published by Seuil.

This book was read with the feeling of going to discover the secrets of the swamps of this story.

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