Roxane Bruneau separates | TVA News

Roxane Bruneau separates | TVA News
Roxane Bruneau separates | TVA News

It’s over between Roxane Bruneau and her partner of the last six years, Caroline. The singer made the dreaded announcement on social media.

• Read also: Roxane Bruneau: an unusual duo that scares you

• Read also: Roxane Bruneau reveals a new tattoo near her freshly operated ears

Hello everyone, it’s Rox.

Some statuses are easier to write than others. And there’s really no other way to tell you, so there you have it,” says Roxane at the start.

“By mutual agreement, Caroline and I have decided to end our beautiful story of the last 6 years. It was quite a ride and I will keep precious memories of it all my life! We learned so much together and I am grateful for everything we experienced.
Caro and I have always had a special bond, she will always have a warm place in my heart ❤️ Today love is transformed into a beautiful, sincere and solid friendship. My beautiful daughter will remain my beautiful daughter, I will continue to see her grow and flourish. Obviously everything is done with respect, it’s beautiful and it’s gentle despite the rollercoaster of emotion that accompanies this decision.

I’m going to deactivate the comments under this post not because I don’t want to read you, I know you my Bruno’z are kind. But I want to protect those I love from the nastiness this news could bring.

Roxane xxx »

We wish Roxane and Caroline sweetness for the future!

See also



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