Marie and Jérémy (Married at First Sight) reveal that they have reconnected, are they still a couple? They answer

Marie and Jérémy (Married at First Sight) reveal that they have reconnected, are they still a couple? They answer
Marie and Jérémy (Married at First Sight) reveal that they have reconnected, are they still a couple? They answer

Today at 1:43 p.m. – by
Sophie Bongart

In the final episode of Married at first sight, viewers were able to witness the reunion of Marie and Jérémy after an assessment which deeply hurt the young woman. The two participants finally reveal the outcome of their story in front of the cameras.

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While she was very anxious about the idea of ​​getting married at the start of the broadcast, Marie felt an immediate connection with Jérémy during their first meeting in Married at first sight. However, their idyllic love story quickly turned into a nightmare. Although Marie fell in love with her husband at first sight, Jérémy literally lost his calm the day before the assessment in Paris. The 34-year-old barmaid appeared on camera in tears and explained what her husband said to her that evening: “I can not do it anymore. You can see that it doesn’t work between us, there isn’t a thing. He explains to me that I don’t correspond at all to what he asked for, he was super harsh, super cold and insensitive.”

Jérémy and Marie reunite after their catastrophic results

Following this incident, Jérémy went to the assessment alone and categorically refused to see his wife. Worse still, the marble decorator has decided to divorce. However, at the end of the thirteenth episode, viewers learn that Jérémy saw Marie again several days after their assessment. So how did their reunion go? In the new episode of Married at first sight, available in preview on M6+, Jérémy apologized to Marie about this famous night when everything changed: “I was tired, we weren’t on the same line. The smallest thing made me bitter. I had a freak out and it all came out not very pleasant.”.

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Married (Married at first sight): “He will remain my first husband”

In the rest of the final episode, the two ex-spouses watch their journey together, from their first meeting in Gibraltar to the famous argument. A complicated moment for Marie who discovers Jérémy’s very crude words in front of the experts. Their respective mothers also discover images of their experience. Having become friends and accomplices since the marriage, they deplore the outcome of their story… Unsurprisingly, Jérémy and Marie have decided to continue their journey separately. “Today, we are no longer together”, reveals Marie. “We still keep in touch from time to time. What we both experienced is something very strong, that’s obvious. I don’t know if we’ll keep a link or not, but this What is certain is that he will remain my first husband.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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