Here it all begins: what secrets does Quentin hide from Maya? – News Series on TV

Here it all begins: what secrets does Quentin hide from Maya? – News Series on TV
Here it all begins: what secrets does Quentin hide from Maya? – News Series on TV

In “Here it all begins”, Quentin is intimately linked to Maya’s family past. He also reveals to her who he really is… and this raises other questions for the young woman!

For a few days in Here it all begins, Quentin has been intriguing the students of the Auguste Armand Institute… But in this Monday, June 17 episode of the TF1 soap opera (the series is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 6:30 p.m.), this one he finally announces his true identity to Maya (Alexandre Favalli): he is her brother!

Quentin is Maya’s brother

As a reminder, Maya is an orphan and it therefore seems that she was separated from Quentin shortly after the death of their parents. Besides, how did these people die? In an extract from an upcoming episode of the fiction, Leonard’s best friend (Thomas Vilan) returns with Vic (Lou Ladegaillerie) to her dark past…

Enzo’s girlfriend (Azize Diabaté) saw Maya and Quentin together that morning and therefore assumes that the atmosphere is relaxed between them. She confirms this but nevertheless indicates that her brother turned away immediately when she tried to broach the subject of their mother and father’s accident.

Maya wonders about the death of her parents

Maya has the impression that Quentin refuses to tell her everything about this traumatic event. Moreover, the more he closes off, the more she questions herself to discover what really happened that day… She explains that she no longer has clear memories of this shocking moment.

However, she remembers being in the car with Quentin and their parents, then hearing screams and the screeching of tires. She also says she felt a sharp pain in her arm at the time… and nothing more, until she woke up in the hospital.

Even today, the young woman wonders how this crash could have happened and does not know exactly what happened either… Maya confides to Vic that she thinks a lot about this horrible episode and the latter advises then it’s up to his friend to talk about all this directly with Quentin.

Vic apparently already knows a lot but doesn’t want to reveal anything herself… What secret(s) is Quentin hiding from Maya? Will he release information to his sister who remains incomprehensible? To be continued in Here it all begins…



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