Did Romain (Married at First Sight) say no to Clémence because he was thinking of Camille? He answers

Did Romain (Married at First Sight) say no to Clémence because he was thinking of Camille? He answers
Did Romain (Married at First Sight) say no to Clémence because he was thinking of Camille? He answers

Would Romain, the forty-year-old from Married at First Sight 8, have rejected the pretty Clémence at the altar because the woman who had initially been selected for him by the experts was still on his mind?

M6 screenshot

Season 8 of Married at first sight coming to an end. For couples who have engaged in M6 dating, it’s time to take stock. Among the hearts to be taken from this season 8, there are two who experienced a very special adventure: Romain and Camille.

Romain and Camille meet at a time when other couples are taking stock

Remember: Estelle Dossin and Gilbert Bou Jaoudé decided at the start of the season to unite Romain, a 40-year-old entrepreneur, with Camille, a bubbly thirty-year-old from the Arcachon Bay. But while both were going to get married in Gibraltar, Camille stopped the adventure, having found love with another man. At Romain’s request, the experts looked for another compatible woman and suggested that he marry Clémence. Alas, in front of the altar, Romain told him no.

In the episode of Married at first sight broadcast Monday June 10 on M6, we witnessed the long-awaited meeting between Romain and Camille. A first contact which took place far from the world of marriage, over a drink, and during which Romain seemed seduced…

Did Romain reject Clémence because he always thought of Camille?

Since the terrible sequence of “no” addressed to Clémence during their wedding in Gibraltar, a question has been on everyone’s lips: did Romain choose not to get married because he was always thinking of Camille? “No, I no longer had Camille in mind at that moment. She was a bit of a determining factor for me to continue the experience.“, explained the entrepreneur during‘an interview with Tele-Leisure.

On the video [dans laquelle Camille lui explique renoncer au mariage, ndlr] I saw someone bubbly, who was honest with me, which gave credibility to the work of the experts. It gave me confidence in the experience. Camille played a role in my desire to continue, but at the moment when I am facing Clémence, I am not thinking about Camille. It’s true that I had projected myself onto her, but I didn’t really know her. Seeing the video made things more concrete. It took me 10 or 15 days to move on, but on the day I was all in on the new woman the experts thought I could be a match for.”



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