Zoé (Secret Story) clarifies her relationship with Alexis and talks about her relationship outside

Zoé (Secret Story) clarifies her relationship with Alexis and talks about her relationship outside
Zoé (Secret Story) clarifies her relationship with Alexis and talks about her relationship outside

Asked by Tele-LeisureZoé wanted to clarify her ambiguous relationship with Alexis, her playing partner in Secret Story. A development which should disappoint more than one.

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Doubt is allowed. Brutally eliminated at the end of the daily life of Secret Story broadcast on Monday June 10 on TF1, Zoé left behind her adventure partner Alexis. A pair that has been the subject of much speculation, both in the house of secrets and on social networks, with some seeing in this duo much more than a simple friendship. While others even saw a furtive kiss between the two candidates. But what is it really? One-sided, reciprocal or simply platonic love? Asked by Tele-LeisureZoé set the record straight on her relationship with Alexis.

“I didn’t think at all…” : Zoe (Secret Story) confides in his relationship with Alexis

I didn’t think I’d run into someone like him at all.“, begins by announcing Zoé to us before adding: “I found my double in adventuredestiny has done things well.” However, before entering the game, the young Belgian had sworn to herself not to let herself be caught up in her feelings. “I arrived like a warrior with all my shields. I said to myself: ‘You don’t attach yourself to anyone, you come to play, you come in alone, you will go out alone, they are only your opponents and not your friends.’ As the adventure progresses, by being with people, we create links and affinities.”tells the candidate Tele-Leisure. Zoé, however, prefers to deny any romance between her and the finalist of Secret Story. “With Alexis, it was nothing more than friendship. In this adventure, we experience the emotions 100%. We bond very quickly, maybe people outside don’t understand. I was seen cuddling with Alexis, there was nothing ambiguous inside the house”she clarifies.

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Zoe (Secret Story) as a couple: what did her partner think of her relationship with Alexis?

As a couple outside Secret StoryZoé explains that she took her partner into consideration in the equation. “It is true that I may have wondered how my boyfriend would see things on the outside. But I quickly told myself that he would understand that there was nothing between Alexis and me. What we experienced in the house has nothing to do with what was broadcast on social networks, it has been distorted a lot.”, assures the candidate. Asked by Tele-Leisure on the reaction of his companion after his elimination from Secret Story, Zoé preferred not to answer our questions, not wishing to speak about her private life. The Belgian still indicates that she made an appointment with Alexis after the game, but specifies: “We didn’t say we were going to see each other every week.”



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