“Really saddened” by the editing of Married at First Sight, Ludivine reveals images with Raphaël not seen in the show

“Really saddened” by the editing of Married at First Sight, Ludivine reveals images with Raphaël not seen in the show
“Really saddened” by the editing of Married at First Sight, Ludivine reveals images with Raphaël not seen in the show

Since the start of season 8 of Married at first sight, Ludivine reveals behind the scenes of her adventure on her Instagram account. After her heated exchange with Raphaël, she regretted that several sequences had not been shown on the screen.

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Season 8 of Married at first sight coming to an end. In the episode that aired last week, Flo surprised Tracy and moved the experts by officially asking for his wife’s hand. A sequence which greatly touched the young woman, as she pointed out during an exchange with her subscribers. Things are looking more difficult for Ludivine and Raphaël. If they had had a mutual crush in front of the altar in Gibraltar, the doubts of the young woman and the hesitations of her new husband distanced them considerably. Faced with this perilous situation, Estelle Dossin did not hide her anger. “You have not given yourself the means to overcome your differences“, she will tell them in the episode broadcast on M6, this Monday, May 27 and already available on M6+. It remains to be seen whether she will be able to reconcile them or if they will go their separate ways after the assessment.

Ludivine (Married at first sight) returns in detail to the moments spent with Raphaël the day after their altercation

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For her part, Ludivine has chosen to continue to offer on her Instagram account behind the scenes of her adventure in Married at first sight. Her subscribers were able to discover part of her honeymoon and this time she chose to document the day after her heated exchange with Raphaël. Sequences that were not broadcast on the show. “The day after our discussion by the pool, I will have coaching with Estelle in the morning then a discussion with Raph on the balcony in order to apply Estelle’s advice (not broadcast)”, she noted. She then describes the idyllic moments she spent with Raphaël during that day. “We will then leave for a visit to the cliffs. An incredible experience. We will have a drink aboard a small boat during a walk at the foot of the cliffs of Malta. It was breathtakingly beautiful, the landscape, the Mediterranean, a magnificent play of color between water and rock, the sunlight reflecting on our hands in the water Raph will be experienced again this time, after the van and the plane. , motion sickness on a boat!!”she explains.

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Ludivine (Married at first sight) tries to sweep away the certainties of Internet users about his future with Raphaël

Ludivine does not hide her regrets that these accomplice moments were not chosen during the final editing of Married at first sight. “I am really sad that this afternoon was not broadcast because it was so beautiful”, she concludes. Estelle Dossin had anticipated these criticisms of the show in the Buzz TV and spoke about the choices made during the editing of the show. “This notion of editing is always complicated. (…) There are hours and hours of filming. The show when it is broadcast on Monday evening, it must last 2 hours. Needless to say, the The majority of what is filmed cannot be edited. The production chooses, with our agreement, to highlight the issues that will be most representative of their story, so that it is very interesting and also very concerning. , she had explained. For her part, Ludivine left doubts about her future with Raphaël in the comments of one of her publications. “There is still What have they become ? filmed recently for us”, she said, perhaps to cover her tracks.

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