The new films by Bruno Podalydès, Leos Carax, Rose Glass, Marjane Satrapi…

The new films by Bruno Podalydès, Leos Carax, Rose Glass, Marjane Satrapi…
The new films by Bruno Podalydès, Leos Carax, Rose Glass, Marjane Satrapi…

“The Little Mop” by Bruno Podalydès

The original band Listen later

Reading listen 1h 17

Justine, her husband Albin and their friends are broke. So the day Justine’s boss entrusts her with 14,000 euros to organize a weekend to seduce the woman he covets, Justine, her husband and their group of friends jump at the opportunity to rebuild their lives financially. The dream weekend organized for the boss will take the form of a cruise aboard a boat called La Pénichette, on the Burgundy canal. Then begins the story of a scam by amateur swindlers using makeup and disguises. We find the members of the troupe composed by Bruno Podalydès: his brother Denis, Jean-Noël Brouté, Isabelle Candelier, Florence Müller, joined by Sandrine Kiberlain for several films + a newcomer: Daniel Auteuil, in the role of

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“It’s not me” by Leos Carax

Initially it was a work linked to an exhibition… which did not take place. The Pompidou Center asked “Where are you Leos Carax?” “It’s not me” is therefore the filmmaker’s response: a 40-minute medium-length film. A self-portrait combining archive images, boxes of Tintin albums, extracts from Carax films, which he continues to revisit. We thus meet one of his characters, Mr. Merde played by Denis Lavant, but also the filmmaker’s daughter at different ages, Roman Polanski, Tintin or even Hitler. Collage film, we hear the voices of Nina Simone, David Bowie, Carax himself, Jean-Luc Godard, who haunt the entire film.

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“Love lies bleeding” by Rose Glass

Lou – Kristen Stewart – is the manager of a sports club between heavy flirting with one of her colleagues, muscular clients and maintaining the toilets. When one fine day Jackie arrives – Katie O’Brian on screen – a girl who practices bodybuilding with the prospect of a competition. Lou and Jackie fall head over heels for each other and Lou provides Jackie with anabolic drugs to give her muscle. At the same time Lou has a father who is passionate about insects and owner of a shooting range + a brother-in-law who hits his sister. Love story, violent thriller, fantastic and gory film, such is “Love Lies Bleeding”

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“Paradise Paris” by Marjane Satrapi

The film’s poster includes André Dussollier, Monica Bellucci, Alex Lutz, Roschdy Zem, Eduardo Noriega, Rossy de Palma, among others, so it is an ensemble film, the 8th from author-director Marjane Satrapi. A former singer is declared dead before being resurrected without anyone being moved, much to her dismay. A teenager wishes to commit suicide before being kidnapped, a grandmother smokes cigarette after cigarette, a cafe owner lives in the memory of his wife, Several stories intertwine, all linked to death, sometimes in a comedic tone. All at Père Lachaise, on the banks of the Seine via the Latin Quarter, since the film is called “Paradis Paris”, in homage to Jules Renard. Add a consonant and a vowel to Paris and you get Paradise.

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“Rendezvous with Pol Pot” by Rithy Panh

Rithy Panh has put the memory of the Khmer Rouge genocide at the heart of his work for 35 years, a genocide of which he himself survived. In “Rendez-vous avec Pol Pot”, we are in Cambodia, in 1978 with three characters: a radio journalist, Irène Jacob, a press photographer, Cyril Gueï and a French intellectual, Grégoire Colin, who knew Pol Pot on the benches of the Sorbonne. All three were invited by the Khmer Rouge regime to visit Cambodia, renamed Democratic Kampuchea at the time, with the promise of an interview with Pol Pot. But on site, the trio is placed under close surveillance and subjected to propaganda. Rithy Panh therefore depicts what the Khmer Rouge regime shows, what it hides and what we do not want to see from one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century. The scenario is inspired by the – real – story of an American journalist and the film mixes fiction, archive images, figurine theater, different registers of images that Rithy Panh had used in previous works.

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Crushs :

– Xavier Leherpeur: book The work of Steven Spielberg, the art of the blockbuster (volume 1) by Victor Norek at Third éditions

-Murielle Joudet: the book in 3 volumes Written and spoken work 1968-2015 by Chantal Akerman, editions L’Arachnéen

– Florence Colombani: film Tehachapi directed by JR – Jean-Marc Lalanne: film Orlando, my political biography by Paul B. Preciado

-Rebecca Manzoni: exhibition and book Objectif Mer, the filmed ocean (The sea in cinema – from Méliès to Wes Anderson), directed by Vincent Bouat-Ferlier and Laurent Mannoni, co-edition Lienart and Musée National de la Marine

Popopop Listen later

Reading listen 54 mins



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