“In Korea, we are fans of Star Wars”

“In Korea, we are fans of Star Wars”
“In Korea, we are fans of Star Wars”

Lee Jung-jae plays Jedi Master Sol in this new version of the saga.
Christian Black / Lucasfilm Ltd.

INTERVIEW – The star of Squid Game is showing in The Acolytethe new series derived from the universe of the intergalactic saga, on Disney +.

He doesn’t look 51 years old. We would give him almost ten fewer Lee Jung-jae seems happy to be currently experiencing the best phase of his career. Since the phenomenal success of Squid Game on Netflix two years ago, the South Korean actor has become essential. We caught up with him as Disney+ streams the series The Acolyte of which he is the hero.

LE FIGARO. – How do you feel now that you are in the universe Star Wars ?
LEE JUNG-JAE. – I still wonder: is this real? Did I do a series well? Star Wars ? Doing an interview with you tells me yes, even if I still have to pinch myself to believe it.

Star Wars is it a very popular saga in Korea?
In Korea, all the people of my generation, especially the boys, were fans of Star Wars. At the time, it was a shock to discover this universe! Truly an incredible experience to see these films that left their mark on us.

Why did you say yes to The Acolyte ?
The fact that it’s a series Star Wars already attracted me, but it was especially when I read the script by Leslye Headland (the director, Editor’s note) that I was convinced. I found the story very original with a time never before explored. The plot was strong and the characters very dynamic. I loved my role because there was a wide range of emotions to play.

Read alsoWhat is The Acolyte, the new Star Wars series from Disney+, worth?

“When I read the script for season 2 of Squid Game, I was in shock! »

Lee Jung-jae

You didn’t speak English. How did you do ?
Four months before filming, I started lessons and rehearsals with two English teachers. They then accompanied me throughout the filming. Acting in a language other than your own changes the way you act. You have to prepare a lot more than usual for the role. The other complicated aspect was to be credible in English in the way my character expresses his emotions. I hope I managed to do it.

Your character, Jedi Master Sol, seems haunted by the past. Is he hiding a secret?
Sol is a Jedi Master who has a somewhat troubled past and he will be forced to dive back into it to solve a series of Jedi murders. He constantly thinks about what he must sacrifice to save peace. And to do this, he must deal with the people around him and his own history.

The Acolyte is not a Star Wars like the others. There’s more intrigue, more thinking…
Yes, the era of the High Republic is full of mysteries. We want to pique the curiosity of spectators by offering them riddles that arrive one after the other. We ask ourselves a lot of questions and the series is captivating from this point of view.

You are surely the most famous Korean actor in the world. That pleases you ?
Above all, it is a great joy to see so many Korean films or series being exported all over the world. I hope there will be more and more famous Korean actors everywhere. This allows us to promote our culture and show that we are capable of doing beautiful things.

Can you tell us a word about season 2 of Squid Game which will be released in a few months?
When I read the script, I was in shock! It’s such an incredible story that it’s hard to imagine… This season 2 will have big surprises in store for you that will take you completely by surprise.

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