And in the end, it’s “OSS 117” who wins…

And in the end, it’s “OSS 117” who wins…
And in the end, it’s “OSS 117” who wins…

David Pujadas brought together the main leaders of the European elections on his set on Tuesday evening. There was a lot of talk about Ukraine, Palestine and New Caledonia, but very little about our European institutions. Replay and analysis.

If for decades France has imitated the United States in all areas, with a lag of a few years, there is one thing where it does not follow the American path: the aging of its political class. While next November, the Biden-Trump duel will determine which of the two candidates will spend the next four years in the White House and which will spend them in the retirement home, the presence of the eight main candidates of the next Europeans on the set of LCI, Tuesday evening, at David Pujadas, illustrates the impressive rejuvenation of the French political class. From Raphaël Glucksmann, the eldest (44 years old) to Léon Deffontaines, 28 years old, head of the communist list, via Jordan Bardella, Valérie Hayer, and the others, France seems safe from soon becoming a gerontocracy.

The left only thinks of the Palestinians

Due to the European election, international issues were quickly on the table, first and foremost Ukraine and the Middle East. But a subject that could almost be described as Franco-French also came up along the way: tensions in New Caledonia. The opportunity for the parties which have taken the most heterodox paths to rebalance their positions: Léon Deffontaines recommends arming Ukraine, contrary to his mentor Fabien Roussel who declared that the delivery of tanks and missiles participated in the war escalation. Manon Aubry, for LFI, stood out from the most outrageous comments made over six months by her political party by deigning to describe Hamas as “ terrorist », while supporting and defending number six on the list, Rima Hassan. In the manner of Georges Marchais of the heyday, when we pestered them a little too much about their most controversial positions, the most left-wing candidates came with “their answer”, and, while we were only t the first theme of the evening, Ukraine, the desire to get to Palestine became ever more pressing.

Also read, Aurélien Marq: But which right-wing list to vote for?

On the right, we learned almost directly of the divorce of the AfD and the RN, who will no longer sit together in Parliament. While the German party had already annoyed its partner by contesting the merits of France’s presence in Mayotte, Maximilian Krah, a member of the German party, stood out by declaring that an SS ” is not automatically a criminal “. It would be very unfortunate if at a time when Le Pen senior no longer had the strength to commit the usual end-of-campaign slip-up, if he now came from across the Rhine! So, expulsion of the AfD from the Independence and Democracy group or rapprochement of the RN with the group of European Conservatives and Reformers? The mystery of the presence of Marine Le Pen this weekend alongside the Spaniards of Vox, member of the ECR, would clear up…

Looking for the party from abroad

Vladimir Putin and his supposed ties to certain parties around the table have been tossed around like a banana peel. In his duel with Valérie Hayer, Jordan Bardella wanted to recall Emmanuel Macron’s attempts to maintain suitable relations with the Russian president until 2022. At the RN, the Achilles heel designated by his adversaries seems to be Thierry Mariani, seventh in the list, former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy; he is now presented as a Russian agent. It is a great misfortune to see personalities recruited by the RN for their experience and credibility become, after a few years, more reliable burdens than candidates recruited internally.

Also read, Paul Rafin: Glucksmann, the candidate of the gnangnans of globalization?

The debate, where accusations of subjugation abroad were rife on both sides, was able to open up with the New Caledonian subject once again at the heart of the news. On the right, Marion Maréchal denounced the emergence of a “ anti-white racism ” and of ” anti-French hatred », and recalled the sovereignty of France over the Caillou, confirmed by three referendums. New Caledonia is French, even if it means using article 36 of the Constitution. Jordan Bardella was able to avoid revisiting his party’s change of heart on the subject of the electoral thaw. François-Xavier Bellamy recalled the need to respect the referendums, despite the bad signal given by the precedent of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (we would not dare mention the Treaty of Lisbon here…). The left-wing groups still dream of “ decolonization “. David Pujadas’ initial question was whether we should be happy to see President Macron fly to the Oceanic archipelago for a surprise visit, and against all odds, Valérie Hayer said yes.

Ride youth

Eight young people with a bright future, then. In 2019, Europeans allowed us to observe the first steps of four of the debate guests. Bardella is already designated as future Prime Minister in the event of Marine Le Pen’s victory in 2027 or dissolution before then. In the eyes of the right wing of the Republicans, Bellamy is for the moment asked to remain in the shadow of Laurent Wauquiez. Aubry, far away in Strasbourg, does not participate in the noise of her little LFI comrades at the Palais Bourbon and seems (very) far from being able to supplant Mélenchon, who will leave in 2027 for one last tour. Glucksmann looks less like a student who arrived there by chance than he did five years ago and can imagine resuscitating a center left crushed for the moment between Macron and Mélenchon. And what about the others? Léon Deffontaines, 28, promised that he would stick to Jordan Bardella’s coattails until the end of his days. As for Marion Maréchal, she spared her main competitor, the president of the National Rally, distinguishing herself somewhat from the much more pugnacious Knafo-Zemmour line…

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