News from Gilbert Montagné after his fall on stage: “It could have been very serious”

News from Gilbert Montagné after his fall on stage: “It could have been very serious”
News from Gilbert Montagné after his fall on stage: “It could have been very serious”

Seeing the images, let’s admit it, we feared the worst for Gilbert Montagé. While performing Saturday evening in Saint-Pathus, Seine-et-Marne, and performing the famous hit “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Houtston, the singer fell into the two-meter-deep pit .

This Monday morning, Gilbert Montagné, 72, wanted to reassure his fans. In a video posted on his Instagram account, he appears in great shape. He explains what led to this frightening fall. “There is a song that I do when I feel it, a song by Whitney Houston, “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”, and in those cases I call a young girl in the audience to come up and dance with me. A little Rachel came, sweet as anything. We danced and raved on stage. And then I tell him, ‘Take me back to the piano.’ She probably didn’t hear me.”

While covering a song by Whitney Houston, Gilbert Montagné violently falls from the stage where he is performing (VIDEO)

The singer clears his young one-night scene partner of what happened next. “It’s absolutely not his fault. I fell two meters. It could have been very serious. After a minute, I wanted to go back on stage. I did the rest of my show with great energy thanks to my audience and my musicians who were in tears.”

Gilbert Montagné diverts his hit “Sous les Sunlights des Tropiques” and pays tribute to Kylian Mbappé

Everything is going well for Gilbert Montagné who is a little “angry” with the person who filmed the scene and broadcast it on social networks. “What I don’t understand is that someone filmed the fall but not the moment when I got back on stage. I would have liked it because that’s my victory.”

And the singer concludes: “Can’t wait for the next show. It’s next Sunday for the Pérouges festivals, not far from Lyon. Yeaaaah man, we’re going to give, we’re going to give.”

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