Kyle Sinckler arrives in Toulon: a muscular reinforcement until 2027 – Quinze Ovalie

Kyle Sinckler arrives in Toulon: a muscular reinforcement until 2027 – Quinze Ovalie
Kyle Sinckler arrives in Toulon: a muscular reinforcement until 2027 – Quinze Ovalie

Kyle Sinckler officially joined the Rugby Club Toulonnais for a three-year contract. Aged 31, the English right pillar, with his 69 national team caps, is ready to wear the Red and Black jersey until 2027.

A transfer expected like the Messiah

This is the end of a soap opera that has kept RCT fans in suspense. For months, we’ve been talking about the arrival of Kyle Sinckler, and it’s finally official. Toulon, always looking for reinforcements for its pack, managed to attract this world-renowned player. Sinckler, who cut his teeth in Harlequins before shining Bristolwas seduced by the ambition and the project of the Var club.

A player who imposes

With Kyle Sinckler, Toulon recovers a hell of a lot of meat! The guy started his pro career at 17 and has been going from strength to strength. With his 69 selections for the English and two tours of British Lions to his credit, he brings a lot of baggage. In the Top 14, he will be able to compete against the best pillars every week, a challenge that motivates him to the core.

Strong objectives

Kyle is super excited to join Toulon. “It’s an honor to play for a club as prestigious as RCT,” he said. “I want to give the best of myself to represent the Red and Black jersey with dignity. I look forward to meeting the players, management and supporters of Mayol.” For him, playing in the Top 14 is a bit like going on a commando mission: you don’t give up and you go all out!

With the arrival of Sinckler, Toulon clearly shows its ambitions: to stay at the top and fight for all possible titles. One thing is certain, the adversaries had better watch out!

It’s going to heat up in melee!

With Sinckler, the competition promises to be tough for the starting places on the right of the scrum. Guys like Beka Gigashvili et Emerick Setiano will have to roll up their sleeves to make their place. But this competition is very beneficial for the club, which will be able to count on a group of pillars at the top of their form.

RCT supporters can rub their hands: with a player like Kyle Sinckler, they can hope for great victories and great moments at Mayol.

Source : RCT

Jean, it is the soul of Quinze Ovalie. More than a fan, he’s a true connoisseur who makes you experience the game from the inside. Reading his articles is like having a VIP ticket to every match. Jean is our guarantor that rugby, for us, is more than a passion, it is a reason to live.



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